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Kwite huffed, holding his head in his hands. 

That was it, huh?

All of my furniture, my books, my memories- even my reputation. Just burnt to the ground and spit on, just like that. 

The Hoodmaster's daughter was never Kwite's favorite. She was worshipped by all of the people in the village, whether it be her looks, or her voice, or the way her long fabrics swayed in the breeze exposed behind her. Hell, nobody even knew her name, and they all praised her for taking a single step on the fucking dirt. 

Of course they did. The Hood were blind followers, eating up every single lie or whisper the Masters parted their lips with. 

Kwite came from a long line of 'sinners' as the Hood called them, their family was the family that didn't believe anything the Masters stood for. Ever

It started with the crowning of the first Master, thousands of years ago. The first Master was, ironically, the first Hood to be born with a naturally white, silky fabric, (despite having the genes of an average Hood.) So, instead of thinking it was some sort of new mutation, or some type of undiscovered new gene, they decided it meant that the silky white Hoodling was an offspring of a Goddess instead.

Thus, dubbing the pale, sparkling Hoods the Hoodmasters.

Their mother always told him that 'Your great-great-great-great hoodmother did so much research, explored every nook and cranny of every book in this exact village, ventured out into the forests and their surroundings, yet never found an explanation for this strange Hoodling's white fabrics.' 

Maybe, way back then, the 'Unspoken Forest' wasn't unspoken, and it was just like every other forest on earth. It was just scary, and the Hood just so happened to set up a village next to it. That was entirely their faults.

Anyways, their fourth great hoodmother tried to explain to the villagers that this was likely not a sign from a supposed 'God,' and it was some sort of albinism in the Hood. Spoiler: Nobody believed her. 

And nobody would ever give her words a second thought. 

'It's been that way for years,' his mother would say. 'If they didn't believe your wise great-great-great-great hoodmother, they'll be blind for their entire lives.'

They couldn't imagine sacrificing their entire life and free will too a supposed 'God' just because some kid was born on a certain day, in a certain way.


His train of thought was cut off when they were met with a sudden sound, a sound that broke through the passive nature of the forest's chirps and cries. This was a weirder sound, a mechanical, generational sound. This sound wasn't natural.

It sounded loud. But in an odd, quiet way.

He arose from the fallen tree he was once 'sitting' on, looking around for any visible disturbances. None.

They felt it's eyes on him, though. 

He called out for it, "Hello?" without any sort of response. The green Hood wandered forward, examining bushes or shrubbery that could perhaps hide this unspecified creature, but was simply met with absolutely nothing. Other than a horde of small bugs and animal shit. "Hello," they called again, slowly looking around, "is anyone there?" 

Beneath the Stars (Kwite x Springtrap)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora