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Where did these prints lead? 

Kwite had been chasing these massive markings for what felt like hours. Some of the berries in his pockets had started to burst with all of the moving they were doing, leaving a large blue stain in his fabrics. It was also sticky. Very uncomfortable, not fun.

They was panting heavily, stopping every few moments to regain his stamina. That, combined with their aching muscles and slight headache, it was hell.

But, his curiosity was getting the best of them.

Eventually the tracks came to a turn, leading the Hood down a shaded part of the forest. Pretty off-putting, when you put it into perspective. He was all alone, with no civilization for miles, chasing a mysterious beast's trail in the middle of a dark forest, with nothing but a few squashed berries to get by.

Again, not fun.

This was, however, a bit of their own fault. He knew it was against the Hood's code to turn away from the Hoodmasters, and they should've known the second his daughter approached him that their fate was sealed. 

It all just happened so fast...

That's when he noticed the tracks in the dirt had made another turn. 

Off the trails? Why?

The Hood nervously squinted at the thicket, watching it as close as they could through the dense darkness casted by the overhead hanging. 

With a deep breath, he continued forward through the thick plants, holding their hands out and-



Kwite stumbled backward, tripping on the bushes he'd just stepped over, their face growing panicked and sweaty in mere seconds. He scrambled to get out of the plants as they poked and jabbed at their body, immense pain biting into his skin with every passing second. Their eyes darted around, what was that? Who screamed? Why did the screamer sound like that?

Then, coughing. 

Lots and lots of coughing.

He swallowed, body quivering with the pain and fear they felt, speaking quietly, "H-Hello?"

Looking up, the Hood realized he wasn't staring at a regular forest creature, or another Hood, or anything they could ever even think was possible to exist. 

It was a massive, 7-foot-tall rabbit, with tears and exposed wires poking out from every corner of the poor being's body. It was rather dark to confirm, but Kwite also assumed it was greenish-yellow in color.

The most noticeable thing about the creature, though, had to be it's eyes. 

The eyes glowed brightly, like headlights in the darkest parts of the night. And they seemed to be staring directly at him.

They began to tremble, tears threatening to run down his face as the two made eye contact. 

Very brief eye contact, however, because the being began to run off a few seconds after it processed Kwite's existence. 

Beneath the Stars (Kwite x Springtrap)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon