"Why do you say that?" Will challenged, setting his novel down and sitting up on his elbow to look at her. "Do you think I'm not a romantic person?"

Giselle smiled. "Pretty much. It seems like the only romance is between you and your job. I mean, I've barely even seen you this week."

He rolled his eyes, dismissing her words. "It's important that I do my job well. I've got many mouths to feed."

Giselle sighed, moving on to water another plant. "Yeah, but you shouldn't let work consume your life. Even when you are here, you're holed up in your study doing work."

"I'm not right now," he pointed out.

"True, but that's pretty much because you don't have any work to do, right?"

He gave her a look before picking up his novel. "I don't see why you are so concerned with my work. You're putting your nose where it does not belong."

"Uh, I think it belongs wherever it wants to go," Giselle told him. "And like you said to the kids; I'm family. Family looks out for each other."

"You are not my family," he said coolly. "You have no obligation to 'look out' for me, nor shall you. I can look after myself. I don't want your input."

"Geez Louise, I'm just trying to help you," Giselle said in exasperation. "Working your life away is never a good thing."

"I thought I told you that I don't want your input."

"Well maybe you need it," she countered. "And get used to my input. I'm very generous with it." She smiled sweetly at him, earning a glare.

"Are all women in your time this maddening?"

"Are all men in this time this rude?"

"That tree needs to hurry up and call you back," Will spat. "I don't know how much more of you I can take."

"You know, I thought old geezers like you were supposed to be all chivalrous and respectful." She shot a look at him over her shoulder. "Clearly you didn't get the memo."

"Maybe I would be chivalrous and respectful if you deserved such a thing," he said.

"Well maybe I wouldn't be so maddening if you were chivalrous and respectful. See? My behavior depends on you."

"I highly doubt that," he deadpanned. He sighed, looking back to his book. "Will you be leaving anytime soon? I was planning on enjoying myself with my time off. I certainly can't do that if you're around."

"You know, just 'cause you said that, I'm thinking I might go check all the plants again. Just to make sure they are perfectly watered, of course."

Will frowned, closing his book loudly and standing up. "Go check your plants, then. I'll find somewhere else where there isn't an incessant woman yammering about." He began to cross the room.

"Good riddance!" Giselle hollered after him as he left the room. "What an rude, irritating man!" she said to herself once he was gone. "I was just trying to get to know him a little better."

She huffed out in frustration. All she wanted was to get along with him, yet it seemed like a feat to even have a civil conversation with him.

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