♥ Chapter 12 ♥

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We got back to the hotel and were walking down the hall to Joseph and Avdol's room to report our encounter with Yellow Temperance. As we walked down the hall, I caught a glimpse of a familiar redhead walking in our direction.

"Nori!" I cried as I ran over to him. As soon as I was within reach, I threw myself at him and wrapped my arms around him in a tight embrace, thankful to see the real him.

"Hiroko? You're acting like you were never going to see me again." He chuckled as he caught me.

"Yare, yare daze... Get a room, you two," Jotaro muttered with disgust.

I turned my head to face the delinquent whilst still having a hold on Nori. "What's that supposed to mean?" I growled.

Jotaro rolled his eyes. "Whatever... I'm going to go report to the old man," he dully announced as he walked past us and continued down the hall.

"What's his problem?" Nori asked with a raised eyebrow. I let go of the redhead.

"I dunno." I sighed. "Anyway, I better go see if Anne's okay." I turned around and started walking in the other direction.

"Hiroko. Wait," Nori called out to me.

I stopped walking and turned back to face him. "What's up?" I asked.

"Are you doing much tonight? Like, around nine-ish?"

"Ummm... I don't think so. It's likely Anne will be asleep around then, so probably won't be doing anything. Why?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Great, I'll come by and get you at 9:30, so be ready by then." He smiled before turning and running after Jotaro. I watched him leave, feeling confused.

'What could he possibly be planning?' I asked myself. With a shrug of my shoulders, I continued heading back to mine and Anne's room.

As soon as I got to our room, I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. "HIROKO! I'm so glad you're back!" Anne rushed over to me and hugged my waist. She pulled away and asked, "Are you hurt?"

I smiled down at the girl. "I'm fine, Anne. Thank you." We walked further into our hotel room, and I sat down on the couch while Anne jumped onto her bed. "Well, we've got our train tickets for tomorrow, so how about we go and do a bit of shopping?" I asked as I glanced down at my tattered uniform. It had definitely seen better days. "I kinda need to get some new clothes."

"Sure." She nodded. "I'll help you pick something out." Anne jumped off her bed and ran over to the door. I smiled after her and stood up from the couch, following her out of the hotel room to go shopping.

We were walking down the high street and I still hadn't found a shop that sold clothes of my style. As I was about to give up, I came across a shop with an outfit in the window that piqued my interest. I walked over to the shop window to have a closer look at the outfit on display. It almost looked like something you would see from Indiana Jones. The outfit consisted of a crisp white button up shirt, a red neck-scarf, tan-colored shorts with a dark brown belt through the loops, and a brown leather jacket. I had fallen in love with this outfit. "Hey, Anne! I've found something!" I called her over from looking in other shop windows. As she reached me, I pointed at the outfit in the window. "Check this out."

Anne looked at the outfit and her eyes sparkled. "Wow, Hiroko! This would look great on you!"

"I'm gonna go try it on. Let's go." I rushed into the store and over to the counter where a woman was perched on a stool beside the counter, reading some kind of fashion magazine. "Excuse me? Would it be possible for me to try on the outfit in the window over there." I pointed at the outfit in the window that I had fallen in love with.

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin