♥ Chapter 4 ♥

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I let out a loud sigh as I walked down the street towards Nori's house. It had been just over an hour since I had left Nori at the school. I honestly didn't know how I was going to face him after that little outburst. Yeah, we fought every now and then when growing up together, but we had never fallen out over anything. However, this time was different. Nori wasn't himself. Especially when we ran into that guy.

   Across the road, I saw the guy from earlier walking in the same direction as me with someone slung over his shoulder. As he walked, I saw a bit of red hair swaying back and forth with the occasional drop of blood hitting the pavement. That's when I realized who the teen was carrying.

   "Nori!" I gasped before running over to the man. "What the hell happened?!" I asked the dark-haired teen as I approached him.

   "Yare, yare daze. I wasn't expecting to run into you. What do you want?" He grunted.

   "Well, you happen to be carrying my best friend that's unconscious over your shoulder, so take a guess at what you think I want!" I retorted at his ignorance. "Now, I'm going to ask again; What the hell happened?"

   "It's none of your God damned business, woman. Now, go away," he growled.

   "No can do." I stepped in front of him and blocked his path, causing him to come to a halt in front of me. "You're not going anywhere until I get a proper answer from you."

   The teen let out an irritated sigh. "Whatever, come with me and you will find out. I'm not standing out here and explaining what happened when I'm gonna have to explain it all later on," he said as he stepped around me and carried on walking in big strides.

   I jogged after him to catch up with him. As soon as I caught up with him and was walking beside him, I asked, "Why? Where're you taking him?"

   "Do you normally ask a lot of questions?" he grunted as he looked out the corner of his eye at me.

   "When it comes to my best friend being slung over some guy's shoulder whilst unconscious and covered in blood, then yes, I do."

   "Yare, yare daze... Women are such a pain in the ass," he muttered with a roll of his eyes. "There's something about your friend that I need to clear up with someone. You'll understand once we get there. At least I hope you'll understand."

   We stopped in front of a gate to a house with a sign next to the gate which read Kujo.
   "We're here," he muttered, using his free hand to open the gate, and stepping through it. I followed closely behind and closed the gate behind us, occasionally glancing down at Nori as we walked down the path to the house.

   When we reached the front porch, I heard a woman's cheerful voice. "Jotaro must be thinking about me at school this very second!"

   As we walked through the door, I saw a woman with shoulder-length, blonde hair. The woman was holding a picture frame close to her chest in a tight embrace. She wore a pink stripy jumper which was mostly covered up by a cream-colored pinafore with frills.

   "I'm not thinking about you," the teen grunted as he kicked his shoes off at the door and stepped inside. The woman let out a yelp of surprise and dropped the picture frame. As the picture frame fell to the floor, I saw a photograph of the man that had Nori slung over his shoulder.

   "Jotaro!" The giddy female scurried over to us. "Why aren't you at school? And who is that boy on your shoulder? And what about the girl behind you?" She asked before letting out a gasp. "Is that blood he's covered in? Wait a sec... Please don't tell me you did that?" She looked at him with wide eyes. I could only assume that this woman was his mother, especially with the worried expression on her face and the motherly nature she gave off.

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz