Chapter 5

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[Emethyst's POV]

I'm walking down a dark hall. The smell of the beach is in the air, but it's off. I keep seeing someone over my shoulder. Whoever it is, is dark and tall. I felt threatened, as I began to run. There's an electronic instrumental playing. It feels like I'm running for my life. I hear the words "Urayne! QUANTUM LEAP!" as she teleports behind me. There seems to be a sort of automaton-like Pokemon, possibly the Urayne she mentioned. I kept running, until I reached a room full of Nuclear Reactors. I was cornered.

"You can't run now, Emmy!" A sinister male voice yelled. I turned around, and the dark figure towered over me.

"EMETHYST!" I recognized the female voice that had left the message on my dad's line screamed. "IT'S GONNA BLOW!" she shrieked, clearly afraid. I couldn't see anyone else in the room besides me and this dark figure.

The nuclear reactor behind me blew, and I felt a burning sensation on my body. I screamed.

"EMETHYST!! EMETHYST!! WAKE UP!!" I heard my father yell. "IT'S JUST A NIGHTMARE! WAKE UP!!" He shaked me violently.

I finally regained consciousness, as I looked around. I was at my dad's, in the loft. Where I had fallen asleep. I sat up frantically, as I looked down at my body. The burns... they felt so real, but my body showed no signs of being harmed. My father loomed over me, but he moved once I sat up.

"It was terrible! There was this figure, and she had a weird Pokemon called Urayne... There was a reactor, and it blew up. I could feel the burns..." I shrieked, very much afraid. I looked down at my body, still examining myself.

"It's okay, sweetie," my dad said, as he tried to comfort me. "Dreams are weird like that, you aren't burnt. If you were, I'd be worried sick. Nuclear reactors can cause pretty severe burns, you know." He chuckled.

I don't think he was understanding. "Dad, that dream felt too real." I said, seriously. I could still feel the burns on my body, like I had actually been burned. It was strange to say the least. "I can still feel the burns. They feel odd, like, really odd. Unlike nothing I've felt before." I said.

My dad continued to chuckle. "Some dreams are weird like that, Emethyst. Everything is fine. You aren't glowing and you aren't suffering any signs of radiation poisoning, and to be honest if you actually were beside a combusting reactor, you'd be good as gone." My dad explained.

This intrigued me. Radiation poisoning? Why did I have a dream like that in the first place? I wasn't interested in anything like this. So, what initiated me to have a dream like that? The burns felt so real. However, I decided to drop it. The figure didn't seem too important, and if she was it was probably a distant memory of something I saw in a horror movie or something. I was a fan of horror movies from a young age despite my mother's objections, and there was at least one nuclear apocalypse-themed one on my shelf. So, who knows.

"I know you just woke up, but do you want to go ahead and listen to the last two tapes?" My dad asked.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, may as well get it over with." I said, as I stood up and stretched. I picked up my phone, and saw I had two missed calls from Lex, and a couple of texts. I opened the texts first.

"Alright Emethyst, I'll see you in the lab." My father replied, as he went to climb down the loft.

"Don't get me wrong, this is gonna sound weird. But I'm not of the Church of Arceus, I'm an initiate in the Novadist mysteries. And I had a really freaky vision when I went to pray." I read. He sent this about an hour ago.

"Hey. I'm finally awake. I had the craziest dream I've had in a while. What was your vision?" I typed, then pressed send.

Lex saw my message right away, and started typing. He typed for a good minute or so. Finally after about a minute, his text came through.

Emethyst's Journey: Apocalyptic Vengeance (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now