Chapter 4

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[Vega's POV]

Monday had come quicker than I anticipated. The weekend was nothing special, just healing up from my injuries and mostly relaxing. My father for the most part had left me alone after the random visit to my apartment on Saturday afternoon. With Monday in mind, I got to work.

I decided to sit up on my balcony and work from there. I could use some fresh air. I brewed myself a cup of coffee with creamer, just how I liked it. I carried my laptop and my coffee cup outside, where I set up everything. I could hear the usual sounds of Veilstone City below me. It wasn't as big as Jubilife City, but it was definitely big. It had definitely gained some size since I remember. The Department Store was not even five minutes away, which was amazingly convenient. However, the Galactic Veilstone Building was huge, I could see all the way past route 210 from my top floor balcony.

I booted up my laptop, and waited for the interface to load. I didn't have a password, since no one really came into my office without asking, usually at least. Besides, not everyone was intelligent enough to work on a basic computer. The Commanders were air-headed, at least Mars and Jupiter were. Saturn never really has given me any issues. Maybe it's a female thing, but I don't know.

My laptop finally booted up successfully. I clicked on the program I used to do my work. I waited for it to load, but it was taking a long time. The Wi-Fi signal wasn't the greatest up here, and I really should have asked for my own router. But, I'm hardly ever up here other than to sleep and relax on my days off.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out, to see that my father had texted me. Oh great. I clicked on the message.

"I don't see you logged in. Are you awake?" The text read.

I rolled my eyes. Instead of typing a message, I took a picture of my laptop interface to show that the screen was still loading. I then attached the photo. "The Wi-Fi sucks up here." I typed, then pressed send.

"Asshole." I mumbled. He saw my message almost instantly.

"When it's done loading, the invoice should be there. Make it out to Admin Fermi and finalize it."

"Yeah, like I don't know how to do my job, dad." I said annoyed. The invoice almost always had a return address from where the products were billed from. I would have to check this, because I knew from his expression that Saturday when he mentioned that he was buying more nuclear bomb parts, and possibly even paying for its assembly.

"You got that, Celestina?" Another message from my father popped up.

"Uh huh." I typed, and pressed send. Since when did he start treating me like a child? I definitely showed him that I was capable of doing my job. I wasn't air-headed, unlike Mars and Jupiter.

"Watch your tone." A new message popped up.

I didn't answer, I just left him on read. But I had a reason to now, because my laptop finally finished loading. I clicked on the file with my name on it, and there it was waiting for me. The invoice.

My jaw dropped when I saw it. It was for more nuclear parts, but this time it was for nearly double the amount the last one was. Nearly three-hundred million. There was a stylized alpha in the far right hand corner, right underneath the address. It was from the Tandor region, on an island called Oppenheimer Island. I had heard of the Tandor region, but I can't recall where.

I looked through my files to see if I had any other invoices, and on the bright side, I didn't. So this was all I had to do, and then I was done. I took a drink of my coffee, and went on to do what I had to. But before I did, I grabbed my phone and took a picture of the invoice so I could send it to Looker.

Emethyst's Journey: Apocalyptic Vengeance (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now