Chapter 1

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June 1, 1995

"Miss, please calm down-Don't tell me to calm down! You can't just tell me my mom is going to jail for 20 fucking years for selling drugs and expect me to calm down! Shes a goddamn lawyer! Why would she do this?" I screamed at the police officer. My mascara streemed down my face along with my hot and flustered. Why did she have to do this to me on my senior year? She could have smoked pot, joined a gang and kidnapped the president after I was gone for all I cared!

"This is so unfair!" I screamed.

"I know you're upset-" I started crying and hid my face in my hands, not being able to hold it in anymore.

I felt the her come to my side, patting my back awkwardly as I let my tears out and uneven breathing out. This was my ugly side, a side that I don't give anybody the luxury of seeing (trust me I know a lot of people that would love to see me suffer, some of those people are my 'friends'). People envied my perfect looks, fortune, house and mother. Now I lost all of that.

"Look I know you're scared, but I'm just here to help you. Will you let me?" Her thick southern accent was soft in my ears and it reminded me of my grandmother that died when I was 6. I sniffled, but finally nodded.

"Okay" she let out sigh of relief and returned to her desk looking through some papers in her metal cabinet. The slamming of the drawers hurt my ears. "So," She slapped the folders down on her desk, openning them, "do you have any relatives, family that you can contact?"

I blinked. "Family?"

"Yes." Well sheriff why don't you look through your goddamn folder and you tell me? I bet that's what you do all day, asking people if they're alone in the world when you've looked through their papers before you've even spoken to them!

But I couldn't put on my mean girl face on right now. I started crying again. "No! I don't! I'm fucking alone!"

"Here we go agai- Look pumpkin, let me check your record..."

I stopped crying, hopping I had some long lost aunt in beverly hills that would take me into her mansion right next to the one I grew up in. Who am I kidding? I don't have anyone! Its always been just me and my mom after my grandmother died.

"Ah look! It says here that you have your dad in...Dorset London."

What the fuck? I haven't seen my dad in about 7 years, he didn't even say goodbye to me at least. I always hated him for that. My voice turned monotone and my face hard. "I thought that old bastard was dead." I said, more to myself than to the officer. "Nope, says here that he's alive."

And thats how I ended up leaving my perfect life, to Dorset.


On plane to Dorset:

Hey maybe this won't be so bad. I mean, its London! Isn't it, like, perfect there? I sighed. My life in California was perfect. I tried not to think about everything I left behind. I tried not to think of all the hollow goodbyes from my so called friends. I tried not to remember how Dan easily left me when I told him I was moving.

"You're moving? That's great babe, I always told you to get another mansion, yours was a bit too outdated." We were in his mercedes. I put my hair behind my ear nervously and said. "Um baby, Dan, I'm moving far away." He looked confused. "Outside of Bevely Hills?" I bit my lip and said, "Well outide of the country would be more acurate." "What? You've got to be kidding." He laughed. "Outside of the coun-Dan I'm moving to London." I cut him off and said it right to his face. His smile slid off his face and turned to the wheel, letting what I told him sink in.

He punched the dashboard. I stayed silent, wanting to tell him the why, but that would ruin me. We sat in silence. "Dan I-Get out." I was taken by surprise. "But-No. I want you out!" "Dan it wasn't my choice I wanted to sta-NO YOU DIDN'T! YOU WANTED TO LEAVE ME YOU WHORE! GET OUT!

I wiped my tears before they stained my blouse. It was soon going to be one of the most expensive one I own.


I expected Dorset to be a fancy, rich people town, like Beverly Hills. But it ended up being a lot of farmland. And if being in an unknown country by myself wasn't enough, I ALSO had to take a bus to my dad's. By myself.

As I boarded the bus the fat bus driver asked, "Got any money?" I paniced. The police had transfered all my US dollar bills into UK money, so I had no idea what was what. "Hurry up darling, I don't have all day!" He rose his voice on me as I fubbled, trying to look for what he had asked for.

"Is this what you want- Oh shit!" I dropped my money everywhere and the bus driver just sighed in frusturation. I started gathering everything franticly, but then I felt someone start doing so too. "Hey! Thats my-Don't worry, love, I'm not stealin' a cent." I felt myself blush as he called me love, with his deep husky british accent.

In a couple of seconds he had returned all of my money, and thats when I got a good look at my hero. He was tall, had blondish, culyish hair with piercing blue eyes. I had to force myself to stop looking at him, not wanting to look stupid. He turned to the driver, giving him some of his own coins, saying, "For the lady and myself."

I blushed, though I heard the driver mutter, "Took long enough." I took my suitcase and went to take a seat, still feeling my hero right behind me. "Thanks." I said, comepletely embarrased. "No problem, love, I know a bird in need when I see one."

I took some random seat and giggled, "Alright, whatever that means." He took the seat in front of me and turned to look at me. He chuckled, "Am I overwhelming you with my british charm?" I snorted, "Sure."

He grinned and said, "Got a named, sweetheart?" I tucked my blond hair behind my ear.


"Kendell? Ain't that a bloke's name?" he teased me.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Can't wait to hear your perfect name."

"Chris." He replied, waiting for me to make fun of it.

I shook my head and looked down. "Shhh, that actually sounds pretty damn sexy." He blushed and laughed, but then I said, "It sounds like Christina." I cracked up as he turned 20 shades of pink. "So where you from?" He asked me. "California, in the US." He whistled. "That really far away, who'd you kill?" He asked.

"Uhg, no one! Its just-" Should I tell him? I don't even know the guy. "Uh, my mom died." Yeah, I'll just go with this, its not like I'm gonna talk to him again. "I'm so sorry." He said sincerely. I shrugged it off, "Don't be, so anyways, I have to live with my dad now and he lives here."

"I'm glad he does." He winked at me, making me blush. "You're such a flirt Chris, bet you've got a girlfriend." He shook his head, "Nah, never had one. I'm too awkward. I usually freak girls out before I can talk them up."

"You're bluffing."

"Honestly! "

"Well your pretty cool Chris-" But then the bus stopped and everyone was fileing out. "Gotta go, Chris." I started getting out. "Wait! Will I see you again?" I laughed a little, "Hopefully, I mean how big can Dorset be?"


Hope all you Coldplayers liked it! Its my first Chris Martin fanfic, so please give some feed back!!!!

Comment, vote, rate!!!!! Love youuu all Coldplay loversss!

I'll try to keep you updated, but I just got off break from school :/

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