19. a two-faced lying bitch

Start from the beginning

You hiss in empathy. "Ouch. Sorry for your loss."

"I wished my mom would start looking at my dad again."

You uncomfortably squirm in your place. "Dude..."

"Just kidding." He nudges you, chuckling. "My mom loves my dad. I'm part of the few lucky people that have parents that still love each other."

You look at him blankly. "What the fuck. Why would you even say that then."

"I'm crazy." He shrugs. You accept that answer with a magnanimous nod.

"Fair enough."

"Jokes aside, though. I also wished everything ends well with Angela. She's been pestering you non-stop those last weeks."

You look at him, moved by a sudden feeling of friendship. You dramatically bring your hand to your heart and let out a heavy sigh.

"Thank you, Luca, for being the best friend I could ever have. Your willingness to sacrifice one of your precious wishes-"

"Cut the emotional speech."


There's a small silence, during which you wonder whether to change the subject or keep talking about Angela.

"Angela, my nemesis-"

"Your what ?" Luca cuts you off, and you roll your eyes.

"My worst enemy, if you will. I think I've managed to discredit her a bit."

"Definitely." He nods. "I should've kept track of everytime you cut her bullshit off. Remember that time she tried to make everyone believe she was the only one that could resist your gift ? Ridiculous."

"... because there's actually a reason (Y/n) can't control me like she does with Luca. I know how to see through her illusions."

You and Luca were sitting in the back of the class, as usual, when Angela started talking about you mind-controlling people again. Apparently for her the only way she could escape you -because you surely must have tried before- was thanks to her secret trick that kept you out of her head. A bit difficult to believe.

"Makes sense." Jose nods, followed by a few students.

You just sit back and enjoy the show, wondering where she was going and how you could prove her wrong.

"Alright watch this." You tap Luca's shoulder to get his attention, and decide to start the show.

As she continues talking, a strange sight catches Angela's attention ; behind the students that had, as always, gathered around her desk, Mr. Diaz entered the class and tripped over his own foot, falling face first onto the floor.

An inevitable giggle escaped the girl's mouth, and she pointed towards the spot the accident had taken place in. Everyone turned around. Angela's smile soon fell as the students spun back to look at her, confused as to what was making her laugh when nothing was there.

Silence fell for a few seconds, during which Angela looked at the board, in front of which Mr. Diaz was supposed to have fallen.

Nothing was there, probably because the whole thing never happened.

One of your classmates just shrugs and starts a conversation with another, and soon enough everyone is back to talking and their words fade into a hazy background sound.

Jose asks Angela what happened, but she ignores him, instead slowly turning to look at you.

You give her a wink and blow a kiss, to which she only answers by allowing a shiver to run down her spine.

That was just a warning. You could have ridiculed her in front of the whole class if you wanted, by proving that you could perfectly use your gift on her if you wanted to, but you chose to remind her of who was the one with the magical powers here. Most importantly, who knew the truth.

Also you didn't wanna scare your classmates by using your gift because those dumbasses could have gotten scared. You kinda needed them to start believing you were harmless -which was only true if you wanted to, but still true- if you wanted to take down Angela.

That was not really your plan, your plan was to live a normal last year of high school, but she was kind of getting in the way so...

You glance at Luca, who had seen the whole thing -you had made the illusion visible for him as well-. He just stares with wide eyes and slightly opened mouth, sort of reminding you of a fish. A cute fish, if fishes could ever be cute -you personally didn't think so. More of a yassified fish then, maybe ?-.

"Sick." He lets out, impressed. He was right to be.

You notice a few of your classmates still looking at Angela as if she were crazy -she was-. That makes you smirk, serves her right.

You do not notice Leta, who didn't miss a detail of you and Angela's small staring contest, and, despite having an aunt who couldn't forget about her fish that died years ago, still inherited a fair amount of brain cells from a great, great, great grandmother on her father's side of the family.

She concluded that you had used your gift on Angela, and that judging by the girl's reaction, it did work.

Watching this odd exchange happen before her very eyes, Leta decided to start trusting what her guts had been telling her for a few years now.

Angela was a two-faced lying bitch.

words : 1485

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