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It's finally summer vacation and this year my sister and I are going to Los Angeles to visit our grandparents.

My name is Hanna Miller and I am 17 years old and my little sister Jenna is 14.

It's Monday and we are on our way to the airport . Our grandparents will pick us up in 5 hours at the airport in Santa Monica, 5 minutes from where they live.
We arrive in Santa Monica at 5 pm and as expected our grandparents are waiting for us. 
We don't waste any time and we go directly to their house. 
They live in a big house with a swimming pool and they are very appreciated people in their neighborhood. 
We haven't been in Los Angeles for 3 years but we used to come here every summer when our parents were still together. This house is full of family memories. 
As the trip was long with Jenna we decided to go to sleep.

It's Tuesday and it's our first wake up in Santa Monica. Today we are going to join a childhood friend that we saw every summer a few years ago. 
Her name is Chloe, she is my age but she still gets along very well with Jenna. Our grandparents are friends and so we know each other since birth. 
We made an appointment to meet at the beach and as planned we arrived there at 3pm.
She is already sitting on a bench and she beckons us to come, it's a pleasure to see her again because she's really a good friend. 
We spoke two good hour and before leaving she said to us that tomorrow she was going to make stores with her friends in Beverly Center and she proposed to us to come with her what we accepted at once. Before leaving, Jenna and I went for a swim. The water was cold but bearable especially since it's been a long time since we went to the beach.
We got out of the water and a group of boys came to see us. They were about the same age as Jenna and I saw that one of them had a crush on Jenna and I found out that his name was William. 
We played a game of volleyball, exchanged numbers and after saying goodbye to each other, Jenna and I went home. 

It's Wednesday, this afternoon we are going shopping with Chloe, but since we are not doing anything this morning we decided to go for a walk with our grandparents on the beach.

 Grandpa tells us the story of Santa Monica and he tells us what he did when he was our age. I have heard these stories hundreds of times in my life but I love it when he tells us about his childhood and anecdotes from his life.

It's 2:00 p.m. and I finish getting ready to join Chloe. Jenna finished 20 minutes ago and she is waiting for me. I put on my makeup, one of my combi-shirt, put on my shoes. I look at myself in the mirror and I think I'm pretty, so I grab my bag and we leave. 
We arrive at Beverly Center at 3pm and as expected Chloe is there with a group of friends three boys and two girls. 
We make the presentations the two girls are called Lali and Ava. Lali is very beautiful and very tall much taller than me and Ava is very beautiful too but she looks more shy, more reserved.  The three boys are called Aaron, Evan and Tyler. And I learn that Aaron is in couple with Chloe, Evan with Ava and Tyler with Lali.
I look at Jenna and I see in her eyes that she thinks like me, we are too much, we have nothing to do here because it is an exit of couple.

We spend the afternoon together, we go to Jinky's cafe, we do some shopping and I notice that Lali buys only branded clothes, Gucci, Channel, Dior... Chloe notices my surprise and explains me that his father is a lawyer and that he is very well paid. The boys go to Louis Vuitton and Jenna and I just go to H&M
I didn't talk too much to lali during the afternoon but I talked a lot to ava and evan. Ava is very shy but when you get to know her she is a very nice girl. Her parents died in a car accident when she was 6 years old and it is her aunt who raised her. 
With evan we don't know how to tell our lifes but he makes me laugh and we get along well. 
We got home around 6pm and I went straight to my room, I put on my makeup, put on a pair of jogging pants and grabbed my phone. 
I turn it on and see that I have two new notifications:
A message from my mother <<Hello my darling, how is your vacation in Los Angeles? >>
I decide to call her because we haven't called each other since I arrived in Santa Monica. 
We stay about 30 minutes on the phone I tell him what I did then I hang up.
The other message is a message from Chloe. 
<< Hi Hanna, tonight we're going to a party in Beverly Hills with the girls, do you want to come with us? >>
I tell her yes but I have nothing to wear and she replies. 
<< Ok come to my place at 5 pm we will prepare together and we will leave after >>.
It falls well because this evening jenna goes to the cinema with William and his friends and I was going to spend my evening alone.
Chloe lives at 15 minutes on foot from my house, I often went to her house when I was smaller.
By leaving at 4:45 pm I would be on time.
When I arrived at her house I knocked on the door and it was Lali who opened it for me.
I didn't know she would be there but I said hello and asked her where Chloe was. She indicates me her room and I go to join her. 
We make up a simple but pretty makeup, Chloe shows me several dresses I choose a green one which arrives to me to the top of knees and which is opened in the back.
With she lends me a white bag and a pair of white heels also. 
Once we are ready we leave.
When we arrive at the party we join a group of young people I recognized it at once, it is about Evan, Aaron, Ava and Tyler.
I say hello to them and I take Chloe aside. 
- I thought we were going as girls!
- I didn't know they would come, they said they wouldn't but they must have changed their minds. 
We talked a lot, had a few drinks and I even exchanged numbers with several people I met.

During the evening I also met Kyle.  He is a dark-haired guy with blue eyes. We talked a lot, he is 18 years old, he plays American soccer and he also lives in Santa Monica.
We exchanged numbers but after talking to him Tyler came to see me and told me to be careful with Kyle, that he was not a good guy and that he was playing with girls' feelings. I didn't listen to him because he had been drinking too much, and when Kyle offered me a ride home, I said yes.

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