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Their marriage was a union between two lands; upper and lower joining into one.

Which was why the gods feasted when they became spouses, knowing that Egypt would become one under the rule of Osiris and his wife, Isis. Horus* walked along the open path leading to the lush gardens his sisters tended to.

He gazed at the cornflowers, letting his fingers run through its petals. Osiris grew this specific flower as a gift for Isis, and in turn she cherished it and planted several more as a gesture of appreciation and affection*.

Horus glanced up from the flower once he heard approaching footsteps. His lips curled into a smile once he saw Set sauntering towards him. She quietly stood beside him, observing the daisies and myrtles, her mouth opening and closing for a few times.

"Hello..." Set finally says, cringing at her stiff voice.

A few moments passed by and a large, warm hand entwined with hers. She released the breath she realized she's been holding and her shoulders relaxed knowing that he wasn't too upset that she had lingered away from him once more.

"Hello." Horus says with a cheeky smile, his dimples showing.

It had become somewhat of a routine for him to wait for Set to come to him herself. Because she disliked being approached, especially after their...coupling. She'd always ignore/stay away from him for a few days before she comes back to him. Set always comes back to him.

Horus came to realize this a few days after he welcomed her in his abode as his wife. Now that it had been several months since then, he grew patient and understanding enough to the whims and acts of Set. He pecked her cheek. She immediately pushed him away.

"Not here, you idiot!" She seethes, ears turning red.

The sky god laughs but stops anyway lest his wife holds a grudge against him for several months. Set tutted at him for awhile, averting her gaze from his blue eyes, crossing her arms on her chest.

"What brings you two here?" A deep voice asks, startling the two.

Set cautiously turned her head to see the intruder; Osiris tilted his head as he stepped towards them. He glanced at Horus for a bit before all his attention turned to their sister.

"You better hope he did not see that." The war god murmurs to her husband.


Isis walked along the corridors, humming as she twiddled with the newest addition to her hair accessories. A present from her loving husband. She smiled contentedly as her heart fluttered and a warm hue rested on her cheeks.

Maybe this was an opportunity. Osiris had been giving her presents out of late and she wondered whether he had a hidden message behind the lavish jewelries and finest silk he had gifted to her.

'Perhaps! Is he thinking of having a child?!'

Isis paused. It would be understandable for Osiris to desire a child considering that their marriage had lasted centuries with no offspring. Now the sudden kindness and consideration made much more sense.

Her train of thoughts were abruptly cut off when she heard weak sobs coming from one of the rooms by the end of the hall. Worry etched into her face once she recognized Nephthys' soft voice, hoarse and tired.

Wasting no more time, the queen of the gods rushed towards her weeping sister. Once she arrived, her mouth hung open at the god of harmony's deranged state. Nephthys was curled on the ground crying hysterically in her arms.

"Nephthys? What happened?"

Isis approached her carefully. The blonde woman shot up, her eyes growing wide as she stumbled in an attempt to back away from her sister. The queen halted, her face filled with anxiety as she noticed the many bruises adorning her sister's pale flesh.

"I-Isis?! Why are you here?!"

Nephthys stood up shakily, wiping off her tears with the back of her hand. Isis' face grew worse as many more barely noticeable blemishes appeared under her arms, on her neck, and on her legs.

"What. Happened." She demanded.

The younger sister flinched at the sudden change of voice, fearing for the worst possible outcome if she were to disclose what had transpired behind doors. Her shoulders trembled and tears brimmed her eyes once more.

"Nephthys, I....I didn't mean to scare you..."

Isis wrapped her arms around her sister. The god of harmony hesitated for a few moments before she stiffly returned the gesture, albeit shamed by herself. She dared not look at her sister's soft eyes, unable to trust herself not to spill.

No one must know about it. For the sake of peace and harmony. For the sake of her sister.


*Horus the Elder, second son of Nut and Geb, represented Lower Egypt (face claim: Horus son of Isis in ENNEAD)

*According to the hieroglyphics in ENNEAD, I assumed the flower Osiris gifted Isis was the cornflower since the appearance was quite similar.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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