A small favor

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"And what would that be?" The elf green biker brave tilted his helm to the side, his armour gleamed in the shiny moonlight. Deckerd exhaled, his faceplate covered by the rim of his helm visor, the dark blue brave was clearly nervous. Gunmax glared at him, Deckerd finally opened his mouth and looked up, "...I- I was wondering if you would be able to.. mmm.." The brave stopped before he could finish, awkwardly shifting side to side. Gunmax swiveled in his seat and took a sip from his oil, he had to say, he found it pretty cute how the other brave was always at a lost for words around him and would go all blue in the faceplate whenever he had shared patrols or assignments with him. He found it adorable. Deckerd regained his composure and looked up, "I was wondering if you could do me a favor! Just a quick small favor- could you wash me?" The blue brave said quickly, Gunmax was mid sip of oil and spat it out in surprise. He shook his helm and looked up at the other brave, Deckerd nearly lost his mind when he saw the braves reaction and hurried to clean the oil from the floor and off the green biker, he hurriedly continued. "I'm sorry I'm sorry! It's just- Yuuta is at home and I don't want to bother him and I don't want my white metal to be this dirty for so long-" the blue brave just kept apologizing as Gunmax sat there, he looked over and just looked him in the optics and let a wide grin form on his faceplate. Gunmax helped the brave up as he himself stood up, "Don't worry Patokichi, I'll make sure you'll look all sparkly when I'm done with you" the elf green brave dragged a very much flustered Deckerd down the halls towards the maintenance halls, Quiet pede steps slowly turned into giggles and running, the base was empty besides them? What the point of being quiet? Gunmax thought, he quietly hummed awning at the thought of being able to wash Deckerd like he was his bike. It wasn't long before they reached the maintenance room, he pushed Deckerd into a corner and grabbed a bucket full of soapy water and a sponge. Deckerd smiled nervously before activating his transformation sequence, Gunmax eagerly smiled as the blue and white cop car sat, he quickly dunked his sponge in the soapy water and started with the hood of the brave, Deckerd let a strained muffled groan out as he felt gunmax get all the right places, Gunmax slowly made his way to the sides of the car. Deckerds engine kicked in and quietly ran as he felt the sponge rub his plating and peek at the seams and sensors, Gunmax slowly worked at the braves plating, after all, he didn't want the brave to forget this experience anytime soon. Deckerd happily hummed feeling, he was a bit jealous Gunmax's bike got this treatment every Friday. Gunmax patted the hood of deckerds alt mode and started to work on the braves windows causing the other cops engine to get louder, "Hm? Calm down Deckerd. It's only a wash." The biker laughed, Deckerd hadn't even noticed that his engine had kicked in, The blue brave groaned in embarrassment. He felt, odd. As in, just odd, all the soap on his plating sinking into little seams made him feel good, Deckerd slowly followed Gunmax with his headlights as he dragged a bucket of water over. Gunmax grinned, "My favorite part." the brave quickly threw the bucket of water on him, the soap hitting the floor or running down his sides, Gunmax repeated the process until the patrol car wasn't soapy and dirty. Deckerd took a moment but he swapped to robot mode and stretched, he looked down at his shiny no longer dirty plating. Gunmax quietly grabbed his servo nothing the look on Deckerds faceplate, "You aren't going out again.. are you?" He questioned. Deckerd shifted and frowned, "I guess I can go do cases up in the decker room.." The blue brave shrugged, "Ohh no, your staying with me. You hear me baby?" The biker frowned and held his servos. He tugged on the mech and dragged him along as their bickering went back and fourth all the way to his room. Gunmax slammed his door open and immediately pinned the other brave to his berth, a sly smirk on his face as he held the bigger brave down. Deckerd looked down at him and sighed, he rubbed the braves backstruts and let his vents puff a small amount of steam. Gunmax snuggled up to him as if he were a cat, he stretched before nuzzling him. The two braves were in a comfortable position, legs slightly tangled, servos on each other, and optics closed as they both silently fell into recharge.

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