stormy blues

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McCrane’s servos moved quickly and efficiently as he worked, he couldn’t help but notice the yellow power shovel eagerly putting something on his crane hooks, he looked towards him flicking the crane hooks causing Power Joe to whine, McCrane looked up at the standing brave. “What are you doing?” was all he said, Power Joe frowned, flicking his own audio receptors. “Well.. I was having fun and placing little foam things on your hooks until you ruined it.” he whined like a sparkling. McCrane sighed and got up leaving his work, “Was it just a call for romantic affection?” he asked the power shovel, plain and simple. Power Joe stood for a second confused before nodding embarrassed, “Of course it was, you’ve been working all day and our shifts don’t match up so I haven’t been able to spend time with you all week craney!” the power shovel huffed crossing his arms. McCrane patted the shorter mech's helm and nodded, carefully listening to his complaints. “Well, how about we spend some time together now? Cuddling on my bunk perhaps?” he asked, smiling. Power Joe lit up at the offer, grabbing his servo and dragging the crane down the hallways to the shared room of the build team. He grinned eagerly as he swung the door open and slammed the crane down onto the bunk, he smiled as he nuzzled into him. McCrane groaned and sat up, taking the power shovel into his arms and cuddling him. Kagerou and Dumpson looked at each other giggling before they left the two alone, McCrane’s optics spotted the two holding servos. That’s why they had been hanging out so much lately huh? Had they been dating as well? McCrane’s train of thought was broken by Power Joe’s engine purring loudly, He smiled and rubbed his backstruts gently. He gently laid the Power shovel down and spooned him, arms wrapped around him and helm above his. He yawned as he slipped into a light recharge nap with his boyfriend.

Power Joe squirmed suddenly and snuggled more into him, as if he were trying to use the mech as cover from something, he groaned and lifted himself up, using his elbows for support. “Pj?” The crane quietly asked, he looked around and spotted the window. He sat up on his elbows and lifted himself off the berth, he slammed the window down, closing it. He watched as the rain pattered and splattered against the glass before turning back to his lover, he sat down and gently pulled him into his lap. The sleeping power shovel curled up in his lap groaning and making small whines, his audio receptors flipping down as he did so. He quietly slid his servos over the mechs backstruts trying to comfort him into a deep recharge again. He quietly hummed, he knew the brave had a bad fear of storms and how it had gotten worse since a certain prank that was pulled that involved locking him out of the base in the rain. He shook his helm trying to wash out the memories of the incident. He moved his servo to stroke his helm gently, his cool black plated servos against the bright yellow helm of the construction built brave. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping but at the moment, he was stirring and whining like a lost cub from its mother. He flicked his crane hooks and reset the rods back into position before he kissed his helm, he slowly cuddled him and held him like a sparkling in his lap. He smiled as he continued to hum a tune to the power shovel, the yellow bundle of fear stirred before squirming around and laying down. Success. McCrane had successfully calmed the power shovel before the storm of crying and fussing had started. He leaned back and grabbed his laptop from its charging port on the nightstand. He unplugged the laptop from its plug and opened it, logging in and scrolling through his assignments for the next day and whatever was due soon. He looked over at the power shovel next to him and smiled knowing he was peacefully sleeping like a baby. He swapped tabs and quietly put a movie on, he had to admit, he was never one to like movies. He was more of a book person in fact, he just wanted to try for Power Joe. He played one of those fantasy sci-fi movies Power Joe loved so much and studied it intently, he couldn’t get over how it defied all laws of science but played along. The second a giant plant monster came up he was amazed by such beauty, it was deadly but beautiful. His aweing over the monster on the screen was cut short by the yellow power shovel throwing himself near the crane and cuddling his hip and whatever below. He softly chuckled and closed the laptop, the movie could wait, cuddling his boyfriend was his main priority. He placed it back onto its charging port and laid down, pulling the blankets over their frames. They didn’t need them really, but it was still nice to have the extra warmth and not listen to each other's frames fans whirl to produce heat. He pulled the power shovel closer to him and kissed his helm before snuggling up to him, by the time the power shovel stopped squirming he was being spooned by McCrane. McCrane just smiled and wrapped his arms around the yellow and black construction braves waist. He comfortably laid his helm down on the pillow and listened to the rain patter against the window. It was nice, the quiet bliss of the rain and the sleeping power shovel next to him added to the experience. He just quietly flicked his audio receptors as his frames support rods readjusted and cooled down from the days work. He closed his bright green optics and fell into a peaceful quiet recharge next to his favorite yellow boyfriend.

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