Drillboy's sugar rush

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Drillboy was practically bouncing off the walls, others clashed into eachother trying to catch the younger build team member. Servos reaching out, metal clashing against eachother, and the jumbled voices of all four yelling. "Soccer! Soccer!" Drillboy's voice clambered louder among the other three. McCrane's servos threw up completely throwing Power Joe off-balance as he caught a very Hyper Drillboy. The younger build team brave was loud with protest, Power Joe grunted as he stood up, Dumpson shook his helm sighing in relief. "Drillboy, how about we calm down?" A very tired McCrane asked the younger bot. Drillboy threw a fit at this, he didn't want to calm down? Why were the others trying to control his fun? He just wanted to run around and play soccer! The orange brave was set down, he was easily distracted as he argued with the oldest of the build team. The other two construction bots nodded and scurried off leaving a tired McCrane to keep the younger bots attention on him, luckily he could keep it with little to none difficulty. The other two build team members came back, McCrane looked up and started to wrestle with the other brave to get him onto a berth. The power shovel put the teddy bear on the berth as dumpson gave him his blanket. The drilling brave immediately settled down and passed out cuddling his teddy bear, the three sighed in relief before they all ran off to their own rooms to pass out themselves. Drillboy slowly got up and peeked out the door, a sly wide smile on his faceplate as he ran off to cause more chaos in the building.

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