Sick duke

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Duke was in the deckerd room quietly working on a case that was aside from the cases the main 6 worked on, he rubbed his helm. That sudden pain in his helm had been coming back and his frame felt heavy to lift even. He dropped his pen getting up from his desk, he didn't want to take a break but the pain in his helm was starting to make it hard to even write. Duke slowly made his way down to the room where him and shadowmaru shared a bunk bed, He sat down on the lower bunk grunting. Shadowmaru climbed down from his bunk and sat next to him "Duke?". Duke looked over slightly dazed, Shadowmaru immediately noticed and pushed him down gently onto the berth, Duke yelped in surprise "Shadowmaru!-" he tried to continue his sentence but was cut off by Shadowmaru hashing him "You need rest and I'm not intending to see you overwork yourself to death with that virus." Shadowmaru kept Duke down until he stopped struggling and just gave up. Duke sighed as he looked up at him "How did you know?" Shadowmaru smiled "I've been watching you y'know. You came in like a drunk human". Duke became flustered at that comment seeing as he thought he was walking perfectly fine- is that what everybody saw as he walked by? Duke groaned in embarrassment, Shadowmaru let Duke lay as he collected pillows and blankets from his bunk. Even though they didn't need blankets since they naturally produced heat Yuuta insisted on it, which was nice of him seeing as Shadowmaru now had a burrito blanket and would torture Duke with it by catching him and wrapping him up in it anytime he entered the room. Shadowmaru put all his pillows around and under dukes helm carefully and laid blankets on him and around him. Much to dukes protest he even brought his dog plushies and surrounded him with them. Shadowmaru smiled down at Duke as he got comfortable in the mass fort of pillows and blankets he'd put Duke in. Shadowmaru told Duke to stay on the berth as he ran off to make some oil soup for him. Duke laid there for awhile waiting for shadowmaru to return until he burst through the door and came in with a bowl of- was that oil? Duke sat up as shadowmaru set the bowl down on a nightstand next to the berth. Shadowmaru sat down next to him and again and took the spoon, "I can fuel myself Shadowmaru.." Duke croaked out as shadowmaru looked up, "Not like this, I much rather help you then watch you struggle". Duke frowned but slowly enjoyed it seeing as it was a struggle to even move. Shadowmaru set the spoon in the empty bowl and laid Duke back down. Duke curled up in the blankets and pillows slowly drifting into a deep recharge as Shadowmaru stroked his helm as if he were a cat.

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