Ch.13: The Inquisitorial Squad and Snowballs

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A/n: this is a super long chapter just an fyi! It's almost 2000 words. I'm trying to write as many chapters as I can tonight since I have a busy week coming up. So expect super short or super long chapters from here on out :)
Though I'll try to get the standard chapter size as much as possible!

I was sprinting through the halls with the sounds of multiple people chasing behind me echoing off the walls. I'm so glad I was a fast runner. I quickly turned down another hall and into the courtyard. It had finally gotten cold enough for it to snow.

Sasha, Jeremiah, and Elizabeth all caught up to me out of breath. People all around us gave judgy looks as I stood onto a bench to gloat about my victory of getting there first.

"Y/n! This wasn't a race!" Elizabeth gasped while clutching her chest.

As the others caught their breath, I sat down and stared at the snow crunching against my shoes. When looking back up at my friends I saw a glimpse of familiar red hair. The Weasley twins, perfect! They are always great fun.

"Hey Fred! George! Think fast!!" I shouted from across the courtyard.

I quickly swung out my wand and  used a small spell to send snowballs flying in their direction. Luckily they turned around just in time for them to get smacked in the face. My little group and I burst out into laughter.

Both Fred and George laughed as they scooped up snowballs and flung them at us as they got closer. We went into a huge snowball fight, nobody was on a team, everyone was an enemy. Quickly more students like Harry and Ron joined in when they heard all the sounds of laughter from down the halls.

Luckily it was so early in the morning not even Umbridge would be on this side of the castle. From the corner of my eye I saw Draco walking with Crabb and Goyle. The two of them never said a word to me ever since the party but I know Draco only sticks with them because they promised to never even look my way again after Draco threatened their lives.

Even though Draco was oddly being incredibly nice to me recently, what I was about to do would surely piss him off. Which to me meant it would be funny! I started making a snowball the size of my head and snuck into the outdoor hallway he was chatting in. Everyone paused as they realized what I was doing, Sasha shook her head and Elizabeth held her hands out in prayer while shaking her head no. Fear went across Ron's face while Harry, George, and Fred looked like they were going to laugh but were maybe a little concerned about the outcome.

From the beginning of the hall I started sprinting all the way to the end of the hall where Draco's back was turned to me. A few feet behind him I jumped up and slammed the giant snowball into his neck, which exploded all over his head, scarf, and robes. As I hit the ground I exploded with laughter to the point my eyes watered.

In a blind rage to see who had done it Draco turned around in under a second. I was bent over from laughing so hard as I slowly started to wheeze.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" He went off on me. Though I couldn't keep a straight face.

I couldn't stand to face him as I kept laughing. He grabbed me by my collar while holding me up. Since he was taller I was nearly on the tips of my toes. Boy did he look furious. The entire group was just staring us down and I could feel that somebody wanted to intervene, was it Harry?

Draco just stared into my eyes with anger before releasing. My face started to heat up as he did that. Draco went to walk past me and grabbed the back of my collar. Nearly choking me as he dragged me into the center of the courtyard, I was honestly more confused than concerned.

He swiftly pulled me and pushed me into the ground while putting his knee on my chest so I couldn't move.

"Malfoy, what are you doing to him?!" Harry shouted as he quickly walked closer.

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