Sleep Overs

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~~ Jade's P.O.V~~

I slowly open my eyes taking in my surroundings; the familiar blue walls and band poster's scattered across the room "Finally awake huh?" Ian smiles coming out of the rest room freshly showered with nothing but dark jeans "mm yeah but why am I here and not on the couch?" he throws a clean towel at me from the restroom "because I moved you in here after you fell asleep on the couch last night so that way you could get some rest and I put your bag over on the computer chair so you could shower." I smile raising my hands up with a long stretch "thank you Ian now please get out of here so I can get cleaned up." He points to the towel hanging dangerously low on his waist "can I at least get change in my own bathroom before you make it smell like a strip club?" I gasp throwing a pillow at him "shut up and get ready dill-hole." he chucks the pillow at me with playful smirk before taking off into the bathroom and slipping on the floor. "oh my god!" I yell running over to him "holly shit are you okay?" he groans nodding at me "my ego is pretty bruised though." 

"what the hell happened in he-" Jay storms through the door freezing as his gaze meets mine returning  that anxious feeling to the  pit of my stomach "Ian fell." I clip keeping my gaze on his "he hit his back hard on the floor. Help me get him up?" He nods clenching his jaw as he walks towards me "Let me help you up brother and hold onto that towel." Jay warns slowly helping him up to his feet "Thank you now how about you both get out so I can get my clothes on?" Jay and I walk back out into the room shutting the door behind us "Good morning Jade." he says laying across the bed. "Good Morning Jay." my eyes begins to travel over his body taking all of him in. loose striped white and blue Botton up with black jeans, a loose black chain, and four rings on his right hand all silver. "so may I ask why you're in my brothers room?" I giggle sitting next to him "well he slept downstairs and he let me sleep here." 

his playful grin returns calming my nerves "mhmm and then the bathroom?" I feel the heat rise to my cheeks "well he came out in the towel and we were playing around, throwing pillows.." I say grabbing a pillow and showing him "but he threw one at me and tried to take off into the bathroom so I guess karma made him slip and bust his ass." he chuckles shaking his head "of course.." he looks over at me holding my gaze "how was the date?"  I smile laying on my side next to him "it was okay, He was really sweet and funny." He huffs clenching his jaw "He almost kissed me." He raises his eyebrows at me the fire in his eyes always does something to me but he needs to make the move not me. "almost huh? you waiting for something?" I roll my eyes keeping his gaze "Maybe." he turns on his side to face me "or is it a who?" he whispers slipping a hair behind my ear, lightly trailing his fingers down my neck making me gasp at the sudden chill. "Okay Jade the bathroom's all yours!" Ian calls making Jay and I jump back to our spots. 

"Great!" I get off bed running past Ian to the bathroom, I shut the door sinking to the floor with a wide smile feeling my adrenaline run through me. After my shower I walk out grabbing the clothes Ian brought me which is just a plain black sun dress and.. a lacy black underset.. well thats something. After I finish up I quickly brush through my hair before heading down the stairs "well good morning!" Tom smiles putting his arm around me "morning Tom" I smile leaning against him "wow so Tom gets all the love but I picked out that outfit for you." I roll my eyes "yeah and the matching set huh?" Ian's face turns tomato red making me giggle earning faces from everyone in the room "am I missing something?" Charlie pops up behind me making me jump back into Ian "woah!" He chuckles catching me "it's just Charlie." I sigh running my hands through my hair to fix myself up. "Jade are you ready for girls day?!" Kelly runs in wrapping her arms around me "raincheck? Im exhausted so i was just gonna go home and crash for a while." She sends me a sly wink "oh you mean your exhausted from all that making out you did with that Roger guy huh?"

Jay snaps his head up from his phone "oh yeahhhhh!" Tom chuckles holding up his hand for a high five "you know I didn't kels don't go upsetting anyone." I warn squinting my eyes at her "he was hot and you looked like you were having fun" I hear a scoff but not from Jay this time it came from Ian. "I should go, I have work in ten." He mumbles before walking out not saying another word. "I'm gonna go get my stuff, I should head home now that I'm all cleaned up." I say forcing an awkward luagh.

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