Aiden was frowning and I could practically see the wheels turning in his small head.

"Well I don't like people who hurt my mommy and daddy does so I don't like him." The stubborn boy said as he crossed his arms.

My frown deepened and my mouth hung open for a few seconds.

"Aiden you don't mean that, you love your daddy." I said, my lips pursed.

Aiden shook his head firmly, scrunching his face up.

"No! I don't like daddy because he hurts you mommy! I wish that Xav was my daddy." Aiden muttered angrily.

My breath got caught in my throat as I stared at my son. I couldn't seem to believe that he had just said that.

Though I despised Mason and all that he had done to us I still believed that he should be involved in Aidens life, if that was possible.

With this upcoming war I wasn't exactly sure what the outcome would be but if Mason survives, because I know that there is a good chance that he won't, I do want to work something out with him.

I know that it isn't fair for Aiden to keep him away from his father so I am willing to put aside whatever feelings I have for him and work something out.

"Baby -" I began but Aiden leaned forward and buried his head in my chest, gripping my shirt in his small fists.

I sighed and ran a hand through his hair and began to rub his back. I knew that what Aiden was saying wasn't true, he loved his father, but because of recent events he was having a hard time taking everything in.

About ten minutes later I heard the even sound of Aidens breathing and I knew that he was asleep.

I slightly jumped when the bedroom door pushed open and Xavier walked in. From the look on his face I knew that he had heard the conversation.

"I wasn't meaning to ease drop but .." Xavier trailed off, running a hand through his dark hair.

"It's fine, I would have told you about it anyways." I told him as he came to sit on the bed with me.

Xavier grabbed my free hand and interlocked our fingers. We sat in a comfortable silence for a little while, listening to Aidens breathing and thinking.

"I need to talk to him." I finally said, knowing that Xavier would know who I was talking about.

"Are you sure?" Xavier asked as he turned to look at me. I pursed my lips and nodded my head.

"Yeah, it's something I need to do." I answered truthfully. Xavier excepted this and got up to lead me to his office.

Before we went I stopped at Aidens room and placed his in his bed, kissing his forehead and closing the door behind me.

Xavier arm wrapped around me as we walked into his office and I got comfortable in his lap as soon as he sat down.

Xavier picked up the phone and dialed the number, handing it to me I slowly put it up to my ear.

It rang for about ten seconds before it was picked up.

"Hello?" The gruff, familiar voice of my ex mate said. My breath caught and I slowly released it.

"What do you want?" Mason asked again, losing his patience as usual.

"We need to talk." I finally got out. Mason was silent for a few moments and when he did speak I heard a smug tone in his voice.

"About what sweetheart?" He questioned, his old nickname making me shiver in disgust.

"About Aiden. Im willing to work something out." I told him, leaning back into Xavier's chest.

"Alright, I'm listening." Mason told me. I sighed and held the phone tighter.

"If you call off the attack that I know you are planning on my pack then we can work out an arrangement for you to see Aiden." I told him, feeling nervous.

Mason was silent for a few moments before he scoffed.

"Figures that news would get around to you, but it doesn't matter. I'm not going to call off my attack." He told me angrily.

I huffed, feeling my own anger begin to arise.

"And why not? Im offering you a chance here Mason, a chance to peacefully work this out." I said angrily.

"Well I don't want your chance. I don't want to be able to see my son every other weekend or whatever else bullshit that you have in mind. I want him all the time, twenty four seven. He's not the only thing I want, I will have you back Carly." Masons voice was eerily calm.

Xavier growled beneath me and reached for the phone but I pushed his hand down.

"I'm mated to Xavier, Mason, you need to except that fact and move on, find someone new. You need to think very carefully about refusing my offer because it is the only one I will be giving you." I said, my voice taking on an edge that surprised even me.

Mason growled and I heard something bang on the other end.

"No, I will have the both of you, no matter what it takes." Mason growled out and before I could respond the line went dead.

I sighed angrily and ran my hands through my hair, gently tugging. Xavier's hands were gently massaging my waist, attempting to calm me but it was only working slightly.

"Calm down love." Xavier's calming voice filled my ears as I slumped against him.

"Why can't he just listen to me and take my offer?" I asked. Xavier sighed beneath me.

"He's not that kind of person, you know that, he wants what he wants and if it means that he will have to go to war for it he will." Xavier told me what I already knew.

I sighed and turned slightly so that I could get a good look at him. Xavier had a small frown on his handsome face and I reached up to stroke his cheek, wanting it to disappear.

"Yeah I know. I just wish that things didn't have to be this complicated, I just want to be with you, no worries about him." I admitted.

Xavier smiled down at me lovingly, cupping the back of my head gently.

"I know, so do I." He said before he brought his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck, taking comfort in my mate.


Hey guys (:

So this chapter is a little but short but I wanted to get another one up so here it is, hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading (:

- Katelynn (:

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