2 - Going to the Leopard Tribe

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Random meme>:)


Ehem... anyways- back to the plot everyone ◉‿◉

Parker had immediately chased after Bai Qingqing.  He had accidentally let the female fall off the tree as he was shocked as well.  Parker became extremely anxious, he crouched in front of the female and ask her,
"Female, are you okay?"

Bai Qinqing had sprained her left ankle. It was excruciatingly painful, but she paid no attention to it.
She stared nervously at the leopard man.

The leopard man looked about 18 or 19 years old.  His skin was a healthy tan color, and he had more Westernized features.

He had tattoos that resembled animal stripes on both of his cheeks, causing him to look feral. His eyes were a pure golden color, and since he was near Bai Qinqing, she could even see his dark pupils shrink slightly, such that they were now vertical.

When Bai Qinqing was sizing up the beastman, he was carefully sizing her up as well.

The best thing about Bai Qingqing was her fair and flawless skin.  She didn't seem stunning at first glance, but the longer he stared at her, the more beautiful she seemed.  Her large and slightly downward eyes made her seem extremely innocent.

Parker felt that the female was so beautiful that he forgot to breathe.

Beastmen were willful beings. Once they laid eyes on someone they liked, they would claim ownership of that person for the rest of their lives. Parker decided that chasing after this female would be his life goal.

Bai Qingqing grew timid in front of the leopard, which had turned into a naked man, starting at her. She shifted backward, but the man only moved closer towards her. She nervously shook her head. "I’m okay. My name's Bai Qingqing. Thank you for saving me."

"That's good. I'm Parker, a male leopard!" Parker crouched in front of Bai Qingqing and inhaled deeply as he looked at her carefully. This action caused a huge thing between his legs to swing about wildly.

As Parker and Bai Qingqing were busy talking awkwardly, Lian Yu stared  shockly at them as if seeing a ghost.

What the hell... Bai Qinqing? Parker? Wasn't that the name of the Characters in that Novel i readed? Does this mean am... inside the Novel too?!?? What kind of messed up Isekai even is this!?

"I'm taking you back to the Village."

Just as they were about to leave a Female with a hoodie and mask jump down from the tree where Bai Qingqong fell.
"Take me with you two too, i also got lost"

Parker shouted at the mysterious Female infront of him who suddenly jumped down from a high tree.

"Chill bro, you literally just saw me jumping down from the tree and no more questions just take me with you.."

Parker looked at her with a confused face and told her, "My name is not "Chill Bro" , my name is Parker!"

Ugh...are beastmen this dumb?...

"I know, i know, now can you please take me with you already cause i don't wanna stay here anymore."

"Fine! Get on my back."

Transmitted in a Beast World NovelWhere stories live. Discover now