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Over the past few weeks we've seen a 30% increase in crimes in the city. It's been theorized that civilians quirks are stronger than they normally are due to a steroid of some kind that has hit the black market. With that being said, there has also been an increase in vigilantism. Wether you stand on the side of or against vigilantes, it doesn't change the fact that it is illegal to use your quirks without a license.

"Here's what I collected from my block, sir." A lanky man in a black hood stood hunched over as he held out a wad of cash. Deku counted the bills and gave a nod of approval. From the stack he pulled out a cut and gave it to the dealer who bowed his head and disappeared into the night.

Deku clipped the money together and put it in his drawstring bag. He continued to make his rounds collecting the money being earned from selling the now perfected version of trigger. Chisaki granted him a small group of thugs who were willing to cover more ground but it was Deku's responsibility to keep them all in line. So far, they all presented themselves loyal enough to carry out their tasks. "This stuffs selling so fast." Deku pulled out his burner cell and called Chrono to give an update. "All sold out. Next time we should double the stock. Some of the guys told me they had to turn down several offers cuz they ran out earlier than expected."

"Noted." Chrono jotted down how long it took for everything to sell out for future reference. "I'll let Overhaul know. Where are you? I'll send a car."

"Between West Ave. and Lockview. Tell 'em to hurry. It's freezing out here." Deku paced back and forth underneath a flickering light pole for his ride to pick him up. He thought back to how scared he would have been to be out alone on the streets if he didn't have all of this new training and skills under his belt. He chuckled to himself. "Can't believe I used to be such a sissy."

Suddenly a clatter of breaking wood coming from a neighboring house caught the boys attention. Deku put on his plague mask and ran towards the sound that was followed up by a scream. He crept down low underneath the window and peaked inside. A muscular man was standing over a small child who was curled into a ball, crying for help. Whoever was taking care of the child were both laying still in a pool of blood that got larger by the second.

Deku spotted an empty syringe by the man's foot. "Trigger..." He theorized that the man must have had some type of quirk that allowed him to grow his muscles to a certain extent. Now that he injected himself with the drug his quirk enhanced to the point where his muscles acted like thick tendrils, peeling off from the bone.

In the backpack full of cash was the booster that Deku had swiped from Chisaki's lab. He kept it close knowing that one day he'd have the opportunity to use it against Chisaki and break free from this cage that he once thought of as a home. Deku was strong and had a technically superior fighting style thanks to Chrono and Chisaki's training. But his strength alone was no match for the man inside.

One of the things Chisaki taught Deku was to pick and choose his battles. That sometimes it's fine to walk away until you're more prepared. Charging into a fight head on with zero plan would be foolish and just asking for a death wish. He was right but this was different. A child's life is at risk. Deku knew that there was darkness in his own heart but he wasn't evil. The terms hero and villain had become numb to him as time went on but deep down there still was the urge to save someone who needed help. That's something Chisaki never taught him. "Bastard." Deku cursed. Saving was never a part of Chisaki's plan so of course it wouldn't have been in his teachings.

"Don't cry." The man manically laughed, "You'll be joining your parents real soon."

"Please no!" The little boy pleaded.

Deku clenched his fists, racking his brain trying to think of a full proof plan to get the boy to safety. Then out of nowhere a speeding object shot through the window. Glass rained down on the top of Deku's head as he shielded his eyes. When he peaked above the sill, his vision was shielded by clouds of grey smoke. A scuffle was taking place and all he could hear was grunting and the sounds of fists to exposed skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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