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For the last 90 days, Deku had been confined to his room only being able to come out if Chisaki allowed him to see Eri after a brutal session. Even at that, two handlers would be guarding the door in case either of the children tried anything stupid. This imprisonment was driving Deku mad. How was his mother doing? Was UA in shambles? What about Kacchan? Was he suffering? He should be.

Deku was allowed limited access to the internet, mainly to watch videos of the heroes at work. So, he took this opportunity to study their moves and weaknesses in case there was ever a situation where he needed to fight one of them. Or at least, inform his comrades on how to disarm them with as little effort as possible.

He'd write down all of his notes in a notebook and ask his handler to deliver them to Chisaki. The Young Yakuza knew the reason why his Tiny Bird was trying so hard to get back on his good side. Deku wanted his freedom back and more importantly, wanted his mother to be protected. The best way to get the most use out of the teen was to make him think that such things were out of grasp in order to make him work harder without being told to.

Deku felt like a slave without a master. He was the one inflicting this punishment on himself. Not eating. Not sleeping. Just thinking of ways to get back in the circle of Kai Chisaki.

"Big Brother?"

Deku looked up from his comic, "Yeah?"

Eri pointed at the half colored princess in her coloring book. "Isn't she pretty?"

"Super." Deku forced a smile and handed the little girl a pink crayon. "I think the shoes should be this color." Eri took the crayon and sat it next to the book and picked up a green color to shade in the hair of the princess. "Oh, her hair is the same color as mine."

Eri looked up and touched his hair, "Hm... you're right!" She giggled, "I was trying to make her look like the pretty woman that comes over sometimes."

Deku tilted his head and closed his comic, "What woman?" he asked, but Eri was too focused on coloring and didn't answer. Deku snatched the book away as a streak of green skid across the top of the paper, ruining the picture entirely. "What woman, Eri?" He raised his voice to get her full attention.

Eri backed away and started to tremble. Her big brother looked scary. Deku relaxed his body and slouched to make himself look small and less intimidating. His idea worked by how Eri leaned forward towards him. "I saw her on the security cameras when Hari was taking me to see daddy. She comes by ummm..." she tapped her bottom lip, "Two, no wait! Three times a week."

"What does she do here?"

Eri shrugged and took a sip out of her juice pouch. "I don't know. Daddy just tells me not to give him trouble because he has company coming over soon."

Could Eri really be talking about his mother? If so, what the hell kind of business does she have with the Yakuza? This didn't sound like her at all. Deku needed for his sentence to be lifted and find out if this really was his mother. He was already plotting ways to see what days it was that she'd drop by and what for and how long.

Although he knew how careful he'd have to be. After all, you can't bite what can eat you. He was a bleeding fish in a shark tank, only a matter of time until he'd get devoured.

Another week had gone by and it was twice already that Deku's handler told him to rewrite his notes because they had been misplaced. This hit the boy as a shock. Chisaki was very organized. Deku recalled how everything in the bosses office was labeled, neatly stacked, color coordinated, and placed in alphabetical order. Chisaki wouldn't even be able to lose a thumb tack, much less a few pieces of loose paper. It didn't make sense.

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