part 3 of my life

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Okay I know I haven't been updating I have some bad news. I need y'all to look up, and all three of these sites has my stories. So how much do you want to bet they have your stories. Type in your Wattpad name. Use Google do not use any other type of sight only Google I'll tell you this now. I used to Google and what I did was I typed my Wattpad name and that's how I found out all three sites has my stories on their sites without clicking on their sites. Now I need you to pass this on please. This is plagiarism to all writers and readers. And to my following readers I'm afraid my glucose level has raisin so I have to be very careful when I type because if I get too mad my glucose goes a little too high so that's why I haven't been writing. And furthermore I have been trying to stay calm for the past couple of months and I am only probably going to update all my life story like maybe once or twice a month I don't know yet so give me credit. Also fair warning you need to type this.

This story should only be read on Wattpad if this work is found on any other website even if it is under my name do not read it this is plagiarism of my work will not be tolerated.

put this on all your books. Also please go under and fill out the petition for all three sites you don't have to send money you can just share the link if you want to you don't have to but please share the link. I am beyond mad at these sites.

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