death or reborn

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A young girl named Rosabell Sakura. She lived in Karakura Town, right across from Kurosaki's clinic. She died when she was 12 years old from cancer. She only remembers dying in front of her family and her only friend Ichigo. Here her life starts in the soul society.

Ichigo Kurosaki pov

I remember my friend/little sister Rosabell Sakura dying from cancer like yesterday. She was very close with Karin and Yuzu. She said, watch over my family, Ichigo, please. I said I would. That was a sorrowful day for her family and my own. Karin didn't cry, but she wouldn't smile for a week but hug the stuffed white cat Sakura made for her after Sakura's death. Karin asked dad if we had any plastic bags so she could keep them nice and clean, which are still brand new. During the whole week, Yuzu cried her eyes out and clutched the stuffed black dog Sakura had made. Sakura also made me a lion stuffed animal and said, always hug this when you're sad. I said I would, but since that day, I never touched the lion and kept it looking good as new when she gave it to me. I hope she is okay, up there in the afterlife, and I hope she is with my mother up there as well. I wonder what she is doing, probably getting to know cute boys. Ugh, what am I saying? Of course, she will find an attractive boy.

Sakura Rosabell pov

I found myself in beautiful and quiet areas in the soul society. I wander into a village named Inuzuri. This village has very few buildings, and many people are hungry and dying. I see a man with red hair in a ponytail. He wears a soul society clothing called Shihakushō with a lieutenant's arm badge. His symbol and number for the squad. He's the Lieutenant of the 6th Division, said a young man. I turned around and said, what do you mean. There's a place where the people with high spiritual pressure go. Then I say I hope I could be like them. Then the guy said that man was Renji Abarai. 

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