He accepted your hug as payment for inviting his rival and 'betraying' his trust.

The weekend had come, and Shoyo was waiting for you at the shopping district, the smells of all the food making it hard for him to sit still.

To his dismay, you arrived with the setter.

"Shoyo! We're here!"

Kageyama didn't say anything until you playfully punched his arm,
"Tobio! Greet him!"

"...hi. Thanks for inviting me,"

Hinata thought to himself,

You put your hands together looking around the shopping arcade for anything interesting.

"Great! Let's get going then!"

The two of them followed behind you, giving the other the occasional glare.

"I'm gonna go get us some croquettes!"

They nodded, and sat on a bench while waiting for you.

"So... what do you think of (f/n)?"

The setter looked down on him,
"What's it matter to you?"

"I'm his super best friend! It matters a lot to me!"

He clicked his tongue,
"Fine. I think he's... nice. He bought me milk,"

Hinata kept staring at Kageyama,
"Do you-"

"I'm back!"

You passed a croquette to the both of them, and sat between the two. You bit into your croquette, enjoying the crunch and flavor. You noticed how your two friends were both silent, so you tried to spark a conversation.

"So? Any of you find a girl you like?"

Their faces exploded into a bright red color.

"Or guys, I don't really care,"

They continued to stare off into the distance, mumbling unintelligibly.

"Yeah yeah, I get it, volleyball is your only love or whatever. But me? I've got my sights set on someone,"

They both turned to you,

You were a little shocked by their enthusiasm, wondering why they both wanted to know so badly. You leaned back against the back of the bench, and looked up,

You stood up, facing the two of them who were on the edge of their seat. And with a quick wink, you answered them.
"It's a secret!"

They both slumped down, disappointed with your answer, much to your amusement.

'To be honest, I'm not even sure anymore,'

Sure you were in love for Shoyo, but you had already been 'rejected,' and since then, you had been trying to get over him. You treasured your relationship with him, and didn't want to complicate it any further. But moving on is hard! It isn't easy getting over your crush, and you even spend most of your day with him.

"Okay, I'm done talking about that now. Let's go to the gaming arcade! I wanna win a plushie!"

You yourself didn't win any plushies. At one point, you were sure you were a winner, you grabbed onto the plush, and it slowly was raised by the crane. But once it reached the top, the whole crane broke! The claw just popped right off, and fell into the sea of stuffed animals.

You noticed that both of your friends seemed as though they had went missing, so you started your search for them. Soon enough you found them, or rather, they found you.


They both stared daggers at each other. You happily accepted their offer, holding a plush in both hands. You proceeded bring them into a group hug, which didn't stop the glaring.

"Thanks you two! I got something for you as well!"

You held out two charms, and placed them in their hands, before holding out one of your own,

"Now we all match!"

"How come I have to match with HIM"

"Yeah! Why would I want to match with that moron!"

You weren't quite sure how to answer that. You could tell that the two of them could be great friends, but you didn't want to force it too much. Instead, you gave them puppy-dog eyes, hoping that it'd work on them.

"Please? For me?"

They both felt their hearts wrench.


"Only because you asked, (f/n),"

You smiled to yourself, hoping that they'd both get along eventually.

Kageyama went home, leaving you and Hinata on the arduous journey to his house.

"It's been a while since I've seen Natsu, has she grown up much?"

"Not much since the last time you've seen her,"

The two of you walked in comfortable silence. When you're really close with someone, you don't need something to talk about to enjoy their company.

You arrived at his house, and took a seat in his room after greeting his family. The greeting took a while, with his mom and sister wanting to catch up with you, and he ended up having to drag you to his room.

"FINALLY! We're alone!"

He plopped down next to you on his bed, and was startled as you gave him a hug.

You spoke in a low voice, your mouth dangerously close to his ear,
"Thanks for letting Tobio join us. I know you don't like him much. I don't really think he has many friends, and I think this meant a lot to him! I even saw him smile at something non-volleyball or milk related!"

He turned his face to you,
"Kageyama's not-"

"No, Shoyo. He's not my new 'super best friend'. I can have other friends y'know!"

He gripped onto your arm,
"I know..."

You nuzzled you face into his bright hair, and sighed,
'If only I could tell him how I really felt... Wait, I already did! And I got rejected!'

You started to giggle, the vibrations tickling the shorter boy.

"What's so funny (f/n)?"

"Oh, nothing important,"



More than Friends (M!reader x Hinata Shoyo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora