Chapter 8

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Bruce and Britt went on to Sevaroff's stamp shop and told the man about the suspicious blue boar.

"Ul, da, da, da. Yes, of course, Mr Wayne. The watermark on your blue boar stamp is indistinct but naturally. Do you realize that only twelve of those stamps were ever printed? That was one hundred years ago, and of course Russian Samara is a long way off. Ah, Mr Wayne. Who knows how far that stamp had to travel and what enormous perils it went through before it found its way to my poor establishment?" said Mr Sevaroff.

"Not quite as poor as it was the day before yesterday, Mr Sevaroff, when I paid a rather handsome price for the blue boar. I just hope that you were right " said Bruce.

"Are you implying that I hoodwinked you, Mr Wayne? that I sold you a fake?" said Mr Sevaroff.

"No, of course not. But isn't it possible that you were hoodwinked?" said Bruce.

"Nobody hoodwinks Boris Sevaroff" said Mr Sevaroff with a laugh.

"Speaking of valuable stamps, have you ever noticed a stamp called the Gotham Gothic? It used to be in the collection of a Mr Pinkus Pinkston, but upon his death, it vanished" said Bruce.

"Well, of course I have heard of this, Mr Wayne. But you must remember what a very small and perishable thing a single stamp is. It might easily have gotten lost or accidentally destroyed" said Mr Sevaroff.

"Yes, most likely. I just thought I'd ask" said Bruce.

"Well, gentlemen, a true pleasure to serve you. And I hope I have the opportunity once more before I return to my home. Good day, good day, good day" said Mr Sevaroff.

Bruce and Britt left the stamp shop and Mr Sevaroff was alone.

Mr Sevaroff turned out to be Colonel Gumm in disguise. 

He picked up the phone and called the factory.


"Yes, boss" said Reprint on the other side.

"Shift into high gear. We may have to move to the warehouse sooner than I thought" said Colonel Gumm.

"The pink nibs causing problems again?" said Reprint. 

"She's just one of my headaches. I really smell trouble this time" said Colonel Gumm.

"Too bad, boss. But you'll flip when you see my last batch of phony stamps. Not fuzzy at all" said Reprint.

As he hung up the phone, Miss Pinkston overheard him and walked into the room.

The look on her face said "Busted!"

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