"I think you should bring both Ares and Apollo.", I told her. "If you say so but if Ares shreds apart the pillows in my office it's not my fault. It's sort of his welcome ritual.", she whispers the last part shaking her head slightly. "I'd love to see that.", I slightly smiled.


It's the next day. Yesterday I burnt down one of Ryans warehouses for sending that guy Alicia told me about from the park. And thinking about her supposedly makes her appear since I see her coming towards the building with two big dogs next to her.

She stops next to me and so does her dog. The other one takes a seat in front of my feet and reaches out his palm. "That is Ares.", she laughs. "And with that good morning.", she smiles as bright as ever. I grab the paw and shake it slightly. "Welcome to your mommas work place.", I tell them and open the door.

They walk in and the attention immediately changes to them. Apollo walks by Alicia's side while Ares walks in front of her growling at every single guy in front of her. And she even apologizes to them. "Leave him be. He won't kill anyone.", I shrug as we enter the elevator. "Yeah that's what he's missing, a kill count.", she sighed. "Do you know how many of my pillows this guys as killed and the audacity he has to roll around in the fluff.", she glared at him.

He winces and makes his way behind my legs hiding from her glare. The elevator door opens and Alicia walks out first. "Where are Sam and Will?", she asked. "This elevator is now reserved for only us so they are guarding it downstairs.", I told her and she nodded. "If you want you can leave them without their leash. I don't mind and there is no one other than us on this floor.", I told her and she smiled.


I get out of my office and make my way to hers I open the door and see her standing at the printer. "I was about to bring you the files.", she said and I looked at the two dogs laying on the floor.

I sit down on the sofa and Ares makes his way over to me laying his head in my lap. "Looks like he likes you.", she smiled. "If I'm honest he's growing on me quite quickly.", I said as I scratched his ears. "Apollo is more of a floor sleeper. Ares on the other hand, every time I go to bed he tends to lay down on top of me.", she laughs as she walks to her table and starts punching holes into the paper for the folder.

"I think Apollo is more of a mommy's boy. He seems to be clingier than Ares.", I explained as Apollo made his way to her side. "No doubt. When I first got them Apollo wouldn't even let me shower while Ares shredded my pillows.", she laughed and scratched Apollos head. "When we are on walks he hardly leaves my side but he's also the more quiet one. Ares is the one that always barks at the men. ", she smiles embarrassedly. I nod.

"If you pay attention they are easy to tell apart.", I state. "Ares has really light eyes compared to Apollo with dark eyes and is always wagging his tail not to mention his soft looking eyes making him look pretty cute. Apollo on the other hand has darker fur with light colored eyes he only wags his tail when you are in close distance, all in all he looks a little more aggressive compared to Ares.", I explain. "Mhm, at the vet they said that Apollo had less fat than Ares making his muscles show more.", she explained.

"He may be a little mommy's boy but I love them both the same.", she smiled. "How long do you have them?", I asked as I petted Ares. "It's been about two years.", she smiled. "I got them when I still lived with my parents. Shortly before moving here.", she explained. I nodded and looked at her.

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