Percy lost track of time and spent the night there. When he got out of the chamber the sun was coming up again. He decided to go to his room and skip first period to freshen up; he couldn't care less about what Dumbledore had to say. When he was done he made his way to the third floor corridors, where the charms classroom was.

"Percy!" Hermione called out. "Hi. Can we talk?" she asked.

"Sure." He hasn't talked to Hermione since she tried to give him the Veritaserum. But if he was being honest, it didn't annoy him that much.

"I want to apologize for what happened. I shouldn't have done that, and I know Harry and Ron are sorry too."

"It's fine, don't worry about it" he said, walking off.

"Wait! That's not all." Hermione's face looked pale and her hands moved in a shrinking way. "I was wondering if you could talk to Malfoy about the party he is throwing on Halloween."

"What about it?"

"Well the thing is, I wasn't invited..."

"Right. And you want me to get you invited?" He asked. Hermione nodded her head slowly.

"Huh, didn't think you were the party type"

"I'm not, I need two invites actually." Hermione muttered. "Ron really wants to go"

"And why is it you talking to me and not him?"

Hermione shrugged, "I don't know, but it would mean a lot if you convince Malfoy."

Percy nodded, "I'll try." He walked off and headed to charms class, he found a seat in the far back and sat next to Blaise.

"Woah, since when do you come to charms?" he laughed. Percy ignored him, he knew he could skip if we wanted to, but he had nothing better to do.

When the Professor ended the class, Percy and Blaise headed down to the Pix to see Malfoy and the others.

"Nobody cares about the curfew, everyone will break it for the party." Chloe began saying.

"I know that. The problem is getting caught. Don't you think Dumbledore would notice a hundred students missing from their beds?" Malfoy said.

"He has a point," Adrian pointed out.

"We can figure it out," Chloe said confidently.

"About the party I'm gonna need another invitation," Percy said.

Malfoy nodded his head, "That's fine, just one?"

"Yeah, just one."

"Alright, I'll make one. For who?"

"Hermione Granger"

Draco laughed, "What are you serious? That mudblood?"

Percy clenched his wrist, "You know technically I am a mudblood too Malfoy"

"Yeah but you're different. Mudbloods are filthy and hideous"

"What the fuck did you just call me?"

"No no not you- I mean I didn't mean it like that-" he stuttered.

"You got a problem with me?"

"No of course not" he said as he moved back.


If looks could kill Draco would be dead by now. The way Percy stared at him sent shivers down Chloe's spine. She definitely wouldn't want to be in Draco's shoes right now. She always found Percy Jackson a bit scary, not because he was related to Voldemort, yes that was part of it, but really because of the way he was. His height, his appearance, the way he walked and even how he talked made him a hundred times more intimidating than he already was.

Strange Ties--Percy Jackson/Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now