5. Twelve Grimmauld Place

Start from the beginning

"Right." I paused. "And where is here? What is this place?"

They all looked at each other with hesitation. "It's a safe house. A headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix."

"The order of the Phoenix? Why does that sound familiar?" I asked.

"The order of the Phoenix was a secret society founded by Dumbledore to fight against Voldermort and his death eaters." He said.

"Oh. So like what we're doing now." I said, referring to our training sessions at the Hart's Estate.

"Yeah. Exactly like that." He said. "The Order of the Phoenix is still alive and is still fighting to protect me. It will be fighting alongside you and your army in the war."

"Oh really?" I said surprised. "Who's in it then?"

"My parents, Remus Lupin and his wife Tonks, and a few others." Ron said.

"Professor Lupin?" I said with a smile, he had been one of my favourite professors at hogwarts when he taught us in third year.

"The one and only," Harry confirmed. "Hey, I want to show you something."

Harry got up and signalled for me to follow. We made our way to a bedroom door with the name Regulus Arcturus Black written on the door. "R.A.B." I said aloud in realisation. He nodded.

"I'm figuring you've heard of Sirius Black," He said. I nodded as I looked around the room. "Well, he was my godfather." I stopped and looked at him with surprise. "All those things he was accused of were lies, Delia. He was a good man."

"No no, I believe you. It's just, wasn't he sisters with Narcissa and Bellatrix?" I asked.


I smiled, "then doesn't that somehow make you and Draco family?"

He paused, staring at me with consideration. "No- well, maybe. Ew that's weird." He said all at once. I laughed, continuing to search all the drawers and pots for anything. "The locket's not in here. We searched everywhere."

"Oh." I said, dropping what was in my hands. I approached the door near where Harry was standing. "I'm really sorry about what happened to your Godfather, Harry. And I'm also sorry that we haven't exactly been friends."

"It's okay. It's hard for Slytherins and Gryffindors to be friends. You have your group and we have ours. Unfortunately it's the way it's always been."

"Just know that I don't hate you, like a lot of the other Slytherin's do." I said quietly. He gave a small smile and we left the room, rejoining the others in the kitchen.

"So Regulus is Sirius' brother." I asked.

"Yes." Hermione replied. "And we don't know if he did destroy the horcrux like he said he would or if it's still here somewhere."

I clash of pots was heard from a nearby cupboard. We all jumped up. Harry approached the door carefully before pulling it open to reveal a house elf. He grabbed him by the collar and dragged him into the room.

"You've been spying on us have you?" Harry said angrily.

"Kreacher has been watching." The elf replied lowly.

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