"Could you stop!? My arm hurts! Atleast slow down Bosh!" Amity said

"Fine ill stop... if you drink this"Boscha said handing us 2 red solo cups

"What the? Where did you even get these!?" Amity asked

Boscha just shrugs

"Y'know what. I don't want to know" Amity says, then downing her entire cup

I do the same soon after but as soon as I'm done we all hear someone yelling that the party games were about to begin

"Well goddamn, as soon as I get you to let go" Amity says annoyed putting her head into her hands and looking down "I need another drink"

Amity looks up as Boscha hands her another drink

"How the- Y'know what, not even gonna question it" Amity says as she just starts sipping on it instead of pounding it back like the previous times

"Hmm this is different... vodka? I know you parents had a gin stack but do they have a vodka stash too?" Amity asks


Boscha just hands me one as she replies to Amity

"Sadly no, I had to bribe some dude earlier to buy me one of those big bottles"

I take a big sip as I look around, not seeing anything I remember the games beginning and so I grab Amity and start walking toward everyone

"H-HEY! I was talking to her!" Amity says

"Not anymore, now let's join the games!" I say, pulling Amity along

"First up is Truth or Dare!!!!" I hear someone say

"Nope, no way, I'm not doing this" Amity says trying to get me to let go

"Yes you are, and if you keep struggling I'm going to kiss you" I say "threateningly"

"How do you kiss someone threateningly???" Amity asked "Yknow what, doesn't matter" Amity then looks me in the eyes and continues trying to get me to let go of her sleeve

I just stand there kind of dumbfounded and very confused

Amity just keeps staring at me

"Well?" Amity says "Where's my kiss? Did you lie to me?"

"This uh- was not the expected outcome but I'm a (wo)man of my word so"

I lean in and give her a kiss on the cheek

"Fucking tease" Amity says quietly

"Oh? And was la princesa hoping for more mayhaps?" I say as I start to lean in and whisper into her ear "Because I can always  give more" I say chillingly

I feel Amity shudder "S-stop it Luz, you're drunk"

"Oh am I now? Cause I feel as sober as ever"

"Lets just get to the games" Amity says

"Sure thing princesa!"

Timeskip to a little after the games have started because I'm running out of ideas


Switch to Amity PoV

"So, Skara, Truth or Dare" Boscha said

"Hmmm... Truth!" Skara replied

"Ughh, boring... uhh... is it true thatttt... you once licked the floor for 25 cents!"

"Yes, and I'd do it again, anyways, Amity truth or dare!"

"Truth" I say immediately

"UGHH, you've picked Truth every time this game, come on girl shake it upppp!!!"


"Fine, uhhh, are you dating anyone and if not, is there anyone that you are interested in dating?"

"No I'm not dating anyone, and... there is one person I'm interested in that I will not be saying" I say

"Anyways, Willow, T or D" I contunue

"Dare!" Willow replied

"Lick Boschas forehead"

"What the fuck kinda dare is that?"

"The first kinda dare I thought of"

Willow just shrugs, leans over and licks Boschas forehead

"Done, now Luz! T or D!" Willow

"Tuth, too dunk fr Dare" Luz says
(Luz had been dared to drink a full cup of vodka 8 times)

"Hmm, Kill, Kiss, Marry, Me, Boscha, And Amity

"Hmmm, Kill Bosh, Kiss you, Marry Amdy"

I blush 'she would marry me? I thought for sure i would be kill'

Willow siezes this opportunity to have her plan fully activate, see, Willow had a plan this entire time, Boscha and Gus were in on it too because the writer is going fucking crazy and has no idea what to write anymore

"Oh? And why would you marry Amity?" Willow asks with a deeper meaning

Luz just giggles "shes preeeeeeety, hehehe"

"Y'know what, i think its time for Luz and ito go home" I say standing up, definitely blushing hard

"Awww, but im having fuuunnn hehehe!" Luz continues giggling

"Yeah but it's late and we have school tomorrow and I don't feel all too well" I say, trying to get her to go

"Aww, fine, just cuz u don feel well" Luz says standing up and walking to the car

"Bye bye guys!" Luz says as she walks away, me following behind her

"Jesus chist why did Willow have to do that" I say quietly as I walk away "... Who am I kidding? She probably already knows... how the fuck does she always know everything?"

"Theee flowers tell hr" Luz says slowly walking along beside me

"Yeah, you're probably right" I say jokingly "now let's get your drunk ass back home"

A NEW CHAPTER! HOLY SHIT! Yeah, sorry for the wait but I really couldn't think, I've read been using alot of ideas that I got from other stories which I really hate! I wanted to create a story of my own but it's turning out to be more of a mash up of other stories! Anyway- I'll try to get the next chapter out sooner but I don't know, but I can swear that I won't discontinue ever, I really hate discontinued stories because I myself REALLY love stories so not knowing the end is torture for me and those alike me.

An Eternity Awaiting (A Beta Human Lumity AU)Where stories live. Discover now