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It wasn't long before we came upon the entrance of White Moon. Two guards, as always, stood watch and verified our identifications as we passed through. They said nothing about the state of my hair, falling in tumbles around my face, only half of it still in a measly version of the braid it had started in. Nor did they mention the musky smell of arousal the lingered heavily in the car.

I was grateful, although a bit mortified as I watched them sniff the air before approaching the vehicle.

I hastily redid my braid, glaring playfully at Rykor as he chuckled. His hair, despite how I'd grabbed at it, was still perfect.

Rykor drove carefully through the streets I'd grown up on, and as we passed certain structures, I explained to him what they were. Undoubtedly, he'd already heard about all of these places when he had visited during the Gathering, but he listened patiently as I described first the school I'd attended as a little girl, then the play grounds where young Lycans often practiced their combat skills. When he asked who I'd sparred with as a child, I'd blushed and admitted that I hadn't actually spent much time in the play grounds.

Rykor's eyes were non-judgmental as he asked where I did spend my time as a kid.

"Over there, behind the school building. There's an old Lycan's home; she used to be a teacher, but she retired a few years ago. Anyway, she had all these different books and maps of the world. I used to go there after school and just listen as she tutored the other Lycans, then I'd go over and borrow books every once in a while." I smiled fondly at the memory of those days. "Not many young Lycans enjoyed extra tutoring. They wanted to learn to fight and run and shift. My father was scared that I'd get hurt since I was smaller than most of the other Lycans my age, so he didn't like for me to train with them."

I trailed off, embarrassed at my physical incapabilities. I was sure Rykor had noticed; I mean, we'd run together back to Black Moon at the start of all this, and he'd watch me struggle to keep up all the way. There was no hiding my weakness, but to say it out loud was still humiliating.

Rykor placed his hand over mine, which I hadn't realized were wringing nervously in my lap.

Instantly, I knew that there would never be any judgement from Rykor. I felt silly for a moment, thinking that I'd need to be embarrassed in front of him. Since the beginning, he'd shown that he would accept me no matter what; Mate or not, strong or not, fast or not. He simply accepted... me. Just as I was.

My hands grasped his, and I wanted nothing more than to show him my affection. Rykor's dark eyes pierced mine, and I knew he could tell what I was feeling. But before either of us could act on our thoughts, a throat cleared just outside the window.

I started, having not even realized we were already at the Pack House. Alpha Reynolds stood beside the car, his posture stiff and unnatural.

"Welcome back to White Moon, Alpha Rykor. Lily." He nodded at both of us, then stepped back to allow us out of the vehicle. "Why don't we head to my office, Alpha? Lily, your Mate will be missing you. No doubt you want to return to him. You are dismissed."

I prickled at the casual way he 'dismissed' me so quickly. I knew they would be going to the Alpha's office to discuss my performance as Ambassador, or at least that is what Alpha Reynolds expected. The fact that he was willing to discuss my performance without my presence filled my being with sharp annoyance.

"Actually, Alpha Reynolds, I wish to be present at this meeting, seeing as it does concern me."

Thick salt-and-pepper eyebrows shot up at my rebuttal. He hadn't been expecting that.

Neither of us moved. Reynolds looked me in the eyes, and I refused to back down. It was Rykor that broke the staring contest as he smirked and headed inside, tugging me along beside him. Reynolds sputtered and hastened to catch up.

We sat down in the familiar office. Where Rykor's was masculine and dark, Reynolds' was bright and sterile. He rarely spent time in the office, preferring to work from his home office. The only times I truly remembered him in the Pack House office was when visitors came. Like Rykor, he too had a shelf of books behind a large desk. However, it was clear that many of the books sat untouched, collecting dust and years. There were few trinkets on the large white oak desk save for a sleek computer, a pad of paper, and a pen. There were also multiple monitors across from the computer screen that showed surveillance footage of the entrances to the pack.

A few mundane pictures decorated the walls; a waterfall in water colors, abstract flowers, and, of course, a portrait of the previous Alpha. I was sure Reynolds would have had a portrait of himself painted, but perhaps it was considered tacky to hang a giant picture of oneself in his own study.

"Well, how did you find the trail period for a White Moon Ambassador, Alpha Rykor?"

"Miss Saunders excelled in every aspect. She met every task head on and succeeded at each one. My packmates as well have been impressed with her skills."

Reynolds looks surprised, but tried to mask it. "Oh, well, I am most pleased that you were satisfied with the trial."

Rykor interrupted the rest of whatever Reynolds was about to say. "So pleased am I, in fact, that I will be keeping her."

"You – what?"

Rykor leaned forward, thick forearms resting on powerful thighs. "I. Am. Keeping her."

Reynolds blinked, his mouth fishing open, then snapping shut. His eyes shifted between Rykor and I, as if waiting for one of us to break into laughter, announcing the whole thing to be a joke. When we both sat still and silent, the other Alpha cleared his throat. Shuffled some papers on his desk. Cleared his throat again.

"Um, A-Alpha Rykor, Lily is... Ms. Saunders may transfer to your pack, but she would have to apply for a transfer and of course, she would have to ask her Mate first."

Rude. Okay, maybe not. If I was actually planning on staying with Travis – if we had actually loved each other – then I would have to take into consideration his opinion on moving to a different pack. Still, the way Alpha Reynolds insinuated that the decision was ultimately not up to me was insulting.

"I am her Mate. She is staying with me."

Again, the other Alpha's eyes went wide. "But she... Travis Maine is her Mate. She already has a Mate here, Alpha Rykor." This was said as though the news may be a shock to Rykor.

Rykor let out a disgruntled sound. It was clear he was displeased about the way things were progressing with Alpha Reynolds. His gaze shifted to me, a single eyebrow raised, as if to say, Well, do you want to try with this idiot?

I coughed to get Reynolds' attention. "Alpha Reynolds, Rykor is my chosen Mate. I am happy with him. I wish to return to his pack, to Black Moon, and be with him."

Alpha Reynolds sputtered for a few minutes, as if this was all confusing and offensive to him. Which, to be fair, it very well might have been, but Rykor was passed the point of caring, and I was slowly getting there.

"Absolutely not! Ms. Saunders, you have a Mate here. You cannot simply go hopping into the bed of the most powerful Lycan you find. Alpha Rykor, I am sorry if she has deceived you, but her True Mate is here in White Moon." His eyes were apologetic as he looked at Rykor, and they hardened as his gaze shifted to me. "Lily, you should be ashamed. You will return to Travis at once, and Goddess hope he accepts you still."

Rykor let out a growl, low and aggressive. He was done playing nice. "It was not a request. We are telling you: Lily is to return to Black Moon with me. She will be my Rhena, my Luna. This is not up for your discussion or debate."

With that, Rykor stood and held his hand out to me.

Déjà vu. Suddenly I was transported back to that day all those months ago, when Rykor had held out his hand to me at the last Gathering. Despite having already made my decision, this felt just as monumental a moment as it had so many months ago. If I took his hand, I would be publicly claiming that I rejected my true Mate for my chosen one.

There was no thought, no other option. There was only Rykor.

I took his hand.


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