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"This right here is the school building for the younger Lycans." Catherine pointed out a quaint schoolhouse with a small playground next to it. The building was made out of bricks and stone and looked as if it could withstand generations of young Lycans bursting through its doors.

"It's wonderful." I smiled at the Beta, who grinned back before explaining where the school for teenaged Lycans was, just down the road.

Catherine had offered to give me a tour of Black Moon. Rykor had agreed that it would be a good idea if I were familiar with the land, and so I'd put off my ambassador duties for another day while I tried to learn the geographical set up of the pack lands.

Technically, I'm not really procrastinating. Ambassadors should know the pack in which they are serving...

"I'm not sure how White Moon does it, but in Black Moon, young Lycans attend school until age sixteen. From there they will go into a trade or job of some sort. Some Lycans can leave earlier, if they already have the skills they need for their chosen tasks, but most stay in school until the final year."

I nodded along, trying to hide my shock. In White Moon, we only ever went to school until thirteen, at which point we began training and learning our trades. Because my father had been so worried about my small size, I'd never attended training, which made it hard to find a trade. Most Lycans socialized during training, and through this they could find job recommendations. I'd only gotten the task of helping Mrs. Reed through chance, seeing how originally, she hadn't wanted an apprentice.

"Why so long, if I may ask?"

"Hmm? Oh, why are they in school so long? Well, the idea is that they can learn briefly about the trades and jobs out there, test their skills, and then choose. We've had this set up for a while, and Alpha Rykor never saw a problem with it, so he left the system as is."

I nodded again as she went into another explanation of the different trade lessons offered in school. I noticed a few of the younger Lycans start to emerge from their classes, eager for recess.

Catherine asked if I would mind if we went over and said hello. I said I didn't, which was only a little lie, so we went.

Be nice, Lily. Don't do anything embarrassing.

The teacher, an older woman in her late forties with salt and pepper hair, smiled as we approached. "Beta Catherine, what a nice surprise. And you must be Lily. I saw you at the Ceremony the other night."

Her eyes didn't waver from mine, and I found myself wanting to cover from her gaze. It was rare my presence was ever acknowledged before; in White Moon, I often found myself blending into the shadows, trying to go unnoticed. If this woman had remembered me from all the other new Lycans, then chances were many other Black Moon members would know me as well.

I cleared my throat and tried to straighten my shoulders as much as possible. Come on, you're supposed to be a fancy ambassador lady. Don't slouch, and be nice. Confident and nice.

"Hello, I'm Lily Sanders. It's nice to meet you." I took an admiring look at the rowdy children sprawled across the play field. "You look like you have your hands full with these ones." I joked, watching as a group of younglings fought to see who could jump off the swings at the highest height.

The teacher laughed. "That I do. They're usually well behaved once in class, but bring them out for some sunshine and they just turn into beasts." We all laughed at the irony. After conversing for a bit longer, Catherine and I bid our goodbyes and continued on with our tour.

We make our way to the outer edges of the pack lands, where many of the trade houses sat bustling with energy. Most Lycan communities were self-sufficient, so it came as no surprise that many of the Lycans spent their days in these places. Catherine introduced me to many of the working Lycans; nearly all were kind, and welcoming, but I could sense mistrust from a few.

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