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"Lahla, I want to give you something."

Rykor was never one to mince words. I had been sitting in my room, reading from the haphazard pile of books stacked in the corner, when Rykor had knocked on the door. It was the first time he'd interrupted when I'd been reading; he said that the lost look I got when I was pulled from a story was "beautifully somber" and had often discouraged others from infringing on my reading time.

But this time, he was adamant about showing me this thing now.

I giggled, a lilting sound as he reached over to help me out of my pile of stories. "You seem excited. Should I be worried?"

He shot me an excited, amused smile. "Of course."

Rykor led me to the storage room on the second floor. It was above his study, so the room was part of the turret, but it wasn't used for much. I'd once asked about using it as my own office, so I wouldn't have to take up Rykor's space so much. But he'd responded that he liked me working so close to him, and the warm, gooey feeling in my bones had kept me from asking again.

But now, as we stood in front of those double doors that mimicked the ones downstairs, I wondered if maybe he had changed his mind. Maybe I'd bothered him too much, talked too much, pushed too much, and he had decided that he'd much rather I work separately from him. A cold, hard feeling settled in my stomach, dropping it to the floor.

"Come on, Lahla, open the door." He was waiting for me to do it.

The knob was surprisingly warm as it twisted in my palm. As the door creaked open, I noticed the flickering of a warm, orange glow emanating from the room.

"Oh my...Rykor." The room was my every dream. Around the circular turret were custom-made bookcases, stained a deep cherry color, with a few well-loved books adorning the shelves. The bookcases spanned the entire room, save for the door, the fireplace adjacent to it, and the breathtaking stained glass window just across from me. It depicted two wolves, one white and small, the other tall and black. They were lying next to each other, their muzzles pressed together and their tails entwined.


The warm glow came from the lit fireplace. Two big, dark red armchairs sat in front of the fire, one with a thick knitted blanket thrown on top, and a short wooden rest between them both. In front of the stained glass window, there was a plush loveseat with a sturdy table just an arms-reach away. A tiffany lamp sat atop it with colors mimicking that of the window behind it.

Despite the slightly barren bookshelves, the room was like a dream come true. My eyes widened, trying to soak up everything I was seeing. I felt emotions clog up my throat, and I pressed my lips together, hoping to keep them from bubbling out.

When I could finally turn away from the beautiful room, I looked to Rykor. His form filled the doorway. He didn't enter, and I knew he wouldn't. Not unless I invited him. It was his way of saying that this was my room.

"Rykor..." I flung my arms around his neck – not an easy thing to do, seeing as he had a good foot on me. But the happiness in my chest made me feel like I could float, and as he wrapped his arms around my waist to return the hug, I felt as though I were flying. Tears stung my eyes and dripped down my cheeks, soaking his shirt, but he seemed to neither notice nor care.

"Thank you, Rykor. This is...this is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I have no words. Thank you." For a moment, his response was only to hold me tighter.

"Lou eromore, Lahla. I need no thanks formaking you smile."

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