It took a lot of effort to leave Rykor's space, to break from the spell his words had cast. I wanted to revel in the feeling his speech had given me. It made me feel loved, and special, and important, and wanted. But even more so, it made me feel as though I was worthy of being all those things, and more.

I carried that feeling with me as I dressed for the Gathering. My long black dress had a soft silhouette that just hinted at my figure. The princess sleeves were sheer except where they cinched around my arm, and on those I had embroidered the yellow flowers. Additionally, the flowers danced around my bustline, and along my hemline, so when I twirled, it looked as though tiny golden petals floated around me.

Rykor, unsurprisingly, wore his yellow flowers well. He had two small ones on his lapels, along with four on the corners of his coat. They were the only splash of color on his otherwise all black outfit, until he popped one of the yellow daisies from the table into his breast pocket.

My cheeks hurt from how hard I was smiling.

Catherine and Shawn met us by the door. We would process outside to where the pack was already seated, and once we were situated, Golden Moon would make their entrance. Catherine looked back and forth between Rykor and me, her eyes shining when she noticed the flowers.

"You'll have to do something for me and Shawn, too." It was impossible for my smile to get any bigger, and I nodded happily. Shawn slapped Rykor on the back, like a proud brother, and Rykor's answering smile warmed my heart.

We stepped outside, and the backyard looked amazing. Black Moon had held small ceremonies in the Alpha's backyard, but the Gathering was a grand affair, and was decorated as such. Long tables sat across the lawn with billowing white tablecloths and centerpieces made from various black flowers. Tall black candles gave soft glows in the sunset, and the silverware was ornate and beautiful. There was a separate, smaller table on a raised platform, decorated similarly to all the others. There were enough seats for Rykor and I, as well as the Betas, and room for the visiting Alpha family as well.

The pack smiled at us as we walked past, Rykor nodding at each member he passed. I preened next to him; he was a wonderful Alpha and I was proud to be by his side.

We got to our seats, and everyone stood as Golden Moon members were introduced by the Hurns. When Alaina's name was called, my eyes couldn't help but flick over to Rykor, but his gaze had not changed at all. When she entered, her eyes fell to Rykor's decorated suit and my matching dress. Her expression never faltered.

When the introductions were finished, and Rykor made a small speech formally announcing the start of the Gathering, the Alpha family made their way to the raised platform, and then the feast began. It was a minute before anyone at the table spoke.

"I am unfamiliar with Black Moon customs, Alpha Rykor. Will you explain to me the significance of those...decorations on your suit?" Somehow, Alpha Hurn made it sound ridiculous that Rykor had embroidery on his clothing.

Rykor cut his eyes to me. "It is to symbolize my ties to the pack."

"To your pack? Yellow flowers? Forgive me, Alpha, but it doesn't seem like other members of your pack are wearing such decorations, so I fail to see the symbolism."

Rykor's knuckles grew white. I understood his frustration; Alpha Hurn's tone was condescending, and it was clear he could see the matching embroidery on my dress but was choosing to point out that, at least publicly, I was still a member of White Moon. Per my wishes, Rykor was keeping our relationship a secret, waiting until I could talk to Trevor first before announcing our Mating. However, I would not stand by and let this male ridicule my Mate.

I placed my hand over Rykor's fist. "It ties him to me, and together, our unity symbolizes a strong pack." I proudly displayed the obvious decorations on my own clothing.

Alpha Hurn cut his eyes to me, but spoke to Rykor. "What is this? A union between White Moon and Black Moon? I did not realize we were still doing alliances by marriage."

Rykor's fist thunked softly, but firmly, on the table. "Lily is my Mate. She is no longer White Moon; she is now, as she was always meant to be, Black Moon's Luna. And you will speak to her with respect."

The two Alphas glared at each other. I soothed Rykor and tried to placate Alpha Hurn. "Please, let us not ruin the Gathering with these technicalities. This is a time for our pack members to find their Mates. This should be a joyous occasion. Let's not spoil it." Rykor relaxed under my touch, but Alpha Hurn was still tense.

The dinner was agonizingly slow, and then it was time for the dance. Several members of each pack mingled, meeting on the dance floor in elegant swirls of black and gold. Catherine and Shawn headed out to the designated dance space, no doubt eager to get away from the crackling atmosphere at the table. The Hurns sat stiffly in their chairs.

Rykor stood abruptly, and reached out a hand to me.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I took his hand.

"To dance, of course." Rykor's large hand grasped my waist, his other engulfing my fingers. We swayed to the soft beat surrounding us. I smiled up at him.

"I thought you didn't like dancing?"

"If it means I get to hold you in my arms, I will dance all night."

I swooned, literally, as in I might have actually, maybe, swayed a little bit. "So does this mean you have traded one of your two left feet for a right one?"

Rykor smiled at the reference to when we had first started all this, that last dance at White Moon, before either of us realized how much we would change each other's lives.

"I cannot promise you a waltz, but I will hold you close and sway with you for as long as you like." His lips dipped down and touched the shell of my ear. "And any bruises you may accumulate from dancing with me, I promise to soothe later with lips and tongue."

I swallowed thickly, my face heating. Weakly, I smacked his chest and muttered something about being in public – Lycan hearing was obnoxiously decent – to which he simply laughed.

Several pairs of eyes swung our way at the sound, and for a moment I was confused. Was it so strange to see Rykor laughing, or had they heard his previous statement – how embarrassing that would be. But no, I realized, it was Rykor's laugh that caught their attention. Black Moon members looked on fondly, smiling and prideful, but Golden Moon members openly gaped in shock. I realized with a start how odd it would have been for them to see him laughing. When we'd first met, I, too, would have been flabbergasted at the sight of this intimidating male doing something as innocuous as laughing. But since I'd moved to Black Moon, I'd gotten so used to his smile and happiness, it would be weirder not to hear him laugh.

Finally, the night wore down and it was time to bid each Lycan good night. I'd seen some mingling between the packs and was sure of at least a few pairings, which meant the night had been a success. Rykor and I bid everyone farewell, as did Golden Moon, and eventually we all retired back inside.

The awkwardness of the earlier conversation crept back in, but nothing was said as we all made our way into our respective rooms. As I climbed into bed, my warm Mate pressed against my back, I heard muttering from across the hall. It seemed, despite my "plain, common background," I had made an impression on the visiting Alpha.

"I'm not sure what her plan was, giving power to such an unworthy bloodline, but the Moon Goddess made an undoubtedly powerful mating with those two."

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