Aza frowned, tilting her head slightly, "Bellona?"

The woman laughed again, a warm and tittering sound, "The war goddess?"

"Aza is the daughter of Phobos," Jason cut in, and the woman frowned, "Timor."

Dione's smile fell, and she raised an eyebrow, "I did not know Timor had any children here at camp."

"I'm from Camp Half-Blood," Aza pulled aside her oversized leather jacket, revealing the logo of her neon orange shirt, "But I am the only one."

The smile came back to Dione's face, as if it had never dropped, and she shook Aza's hand warmly, "A legacy of love then, how perfect for Jason - oh, you two make a beautiful couple."

The two blushed, but neither made any move to explain to the woman that they weren't dating. Dione rushed back behind the counter and quickly poured two cups of hot chocolate. Aza reached to pay her with drachmas, but the woman pushed the currency back and laughed, "We don't take that currency here, besides, it's on the house! Someone is finally dating my favorite customer!"

Jason's face had turned almost the same shade as Aza's eyes by the time they left the shop. One hand held the small paper cup and the other was still entwined with Jason's as he led her towards a bench in the forum.

"That daughter of Venus really did a number on you, huh," Aza teased. She smiled as he let their hands drop, instead opting to place a hand on the girl's knee. He changed the subject, "I'd love to show you the training grounds before we leave, if I'm able - you'd have an absolute field day there."

Aza grinned back at the blonde, "Oh, yeah? Are you ready for Round Two of Malin vs. Grace?"

"If I remember correctly, I won the first round," Jason's smile only widened at the tight expression that painted across the girl's face, knowing how much of a sore loser the girl could be, "so I'm not particularly worried for round two."

"It'll only make my victory that much sweeter," Aza crooned, and the two laughed before taking a sip of their hot chocolate. Before either could speak, a shrill sound pierced the air and a brilliant light flashed - the sound of exploding marble echoed throughout the forum and Jason quickly grabbed Aza, bringing the girl into a protective embrace as rubble fell from the sky.

In the forum, demigods scattered in panic and Aza stood to her feet, "What in Hades was that?"

Before Jason could answer, another shrill whistle sounded and this time the girl saw a massive bronze spear wreathed in brilliant Greek fire sail into the broken dome of the Senate House, exploding instantly upon impact. She gasped, staring up at the Argo II - "I knew those Wii remotes were a bad idea! One wrong shake and now look where we are!"

The Roman demigods either didn't notice or didn't care that Aza looked just as surprised as they did - a loose ring formed around Jason and Aza, cornering them and Aza was smothered by a wave of fear just as a sandwich hit her in the face.

"Okay, who threw that?" Aza snarled, her russet eyes roaming the crowd - each of the demigods shied away from her gaze, but then an apple hit Aza in the small of her back and she whirled around, "Cowards! Who threw that?"

A plate was thrown next at the girl, but Jason quickly stepped in front of her and hissed when the ceramic shattered against his bicep, leaving a small trickle of blood in its wake. A sharp rock hit Aza's cheek and she raised a hand to rub the wound, unsurprised by the small crimson stain it left. Piper ran towards the two like a flushed bird, covering her head with her arms to deflect everything thrown at her, "Stop it, please - this is all a misunderstanding!" But Piper's charmspeak didn't work, and the three were berated by food.

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