Chapter 17; I.D.I.O.T.S (important A/N at the end)

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idk how to write someone mournign but im not doing a huge timeskip.

*cries in i lost motivation again*

TW: fighting, suffocation, death, passing out, mentions of murder/killing, murder, explosion(s)


[Xemon POV]

V and Evelyn were nice enough to give me some time off after they heard of Hels' death. 

We'd never told anyone we were together, we'd wanted to wait until the end of the mission, but I guess they knew we were close.

Well, I assume so. 

I mean, I didn't get much of a fucking break from life, because I kinda can't lay in bed for an entire week. 

I do need to eat and drink and be a functioning human.

Grian added me to this group chat the other day, and they're trying to get me to avenge Hels' death or some shit.

I'd do it, but they better let me mourn in peac-

Actually would avenging his death be better for me? 

I guess I'll do it.


G: hoyl shit xemon your finally on this

P: hi

Z: hello!

G: so, you taking us up on that offer? 

X: i guess

G: wait that means i can show yall my villainy outfit!!

X: what

G: meet up at the park at midnight mkay?

X: okay.


I ended up going to the park at like 11:30. I'm in my villain gear, like Grian said he would be.

Pearl, who Grian said is his sister, and Doc were already there. I'm kinda surprised, since they're both heroes, but I don't mind. 

Grian's running late, it's 12:30. 

Nevermind he's here and-

"SorrY- the sleeves are fucking crusty-"


"They were once white but then I killed someone and they went all red- and blood stains are hard to get out of something white! I don't know how they're still red and not brown but I don't care."

"I getcha."

"Pearl, you're a hero how-"

Pearl's staring at him with a; how fucking stupid are you, face

"What? oh. oH. OH-"

"Let's just get going." 


"Xemon lead the way, you're the one that knows where they are."


"shut the fuck up."


"Alright, we're here. Now, cmon everyone, I know where he died at, so we should start there. They seemed to spend a lot of time there."

Grian nods, before we all run forward, and into the same room I'd seen Hels die in. 

And, unsurprisingly, there were Ri and Ro in there. The three from before aren't, but we had learned that they loved to vacation together. 

"Why are you here!?" Ri exclaimed, standing, as Ro listens confused. 

"Because you killed one of my best friends and coworker!" 

Ro's stood up, and she grabbed a fucking sword from the table.

I've got my chains this time. I'm gonna fucking kill Ri. I'd feel bad if I killed Ro, but Ri, Ri I don't give a fuck about.


{warning, I'm better at animating/drawing fight scenes, not writing them}

Grian and Pearl have gone after Ro, they're the ones that can dodge the sword easily, Grian with his flight, and Pearl with her teleportation, or whatever it is.

I've gone after Ri, shooting my chains forward, going for the throat. He dodged and shot back with a bullet from a small pistol he got while we ran forward. 

I couldn't dodge in time, so it nicked my shoulder. 

But, I managed to throw the chains forward and they wrapped around his neck. 

He struggled for a moment before he passed out. I'll let the others take care of him. 

Now, time for Ro. She's putting up a good fight against Pearl and Grian, but she wont expect the chains. 



I never got to attack Ro, because Grian ended up pulling myself and Pearl out of there. 

Doc's ability is to explode, I guess? I don't know, but he exploded and he's going to meet up with us at the park later on.

I guess this was the best way to mourn. If I didn't do this, I'd probably be moping in bed for another week.


Okay, guys. Ily, but I literally lost all motivation for this book.

The epilogue (scarian wedding) is next chapter. 

I would continue this a bit longer, but the amount of time it took to write this chapter H U R T.

so, Take this and run, idc, imma just go write the wedding now! 

buh bye!

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