Chapter 15; The Job

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Welp, here we gooOoooo-

Also, I never mentioned it, but Xemon/Xisuma's birthday is the 16th of October.

This takes place a week after the last chapter.

OPTION 2: Two business owners who want someone dead, won.

TW: Mentions of hitmen?? idk they talk about killing people as their job----, mentions of taking advantage of a blind person, 


[Xemon POV]

Rose Cafe, ever since Halloween, has been way too busy, that we've had barely any time for someone to go onto break. [We do end up getting them, though, just not in the middle of our shifts, like before.]

I'm also pretty sure V picked up on my crush on Hels, because we've had every shift together, and he's the one that goes through our schedules.

"Hey, Xem? I need to talk to you after work, alright?" Hels' called from the front, as I set a batch of muffins into the oven. 



Hels and I met on the rooftop of a random building once my shift ended.

"So, I might've accepted a job I'd found through the villainy job thing."


"Basically, the owners of that one electronics company, RIRO, need some help."

"Help as in what?"

"They need a few people dead, and I thought we'd be able to do it."

"So we're hitmen now?"

"I guess. I'll tell you the names once I get them."

"Wait, why are we killing these people? "

"Ri and Ro, the owners, were once their close friends, from what I was told. They need the people dead because they became extremely shitty."

"That's not a good reason for wanting them dead."

"Ro's blind. They started to try and use that side of her to their advantage."

"What the fuck-"

"I know. They know these people, and that they won't change." 

"When are we going to work on this?"

"They've had the commission up for a while. Turns out some of the group are on vacation and are returning in a few weeks."

"Okay. So we have time to get everything ready?"




Today was tiring. After speaking with Hels, I ended up being called back into the cafe because Evelyn had gotten a huge order of pastries, and I am one of the few who can actually bake. 

And, now I need to prepare for the commission, and I honestly don't want to now, but if I don't, I won't do it until I absolutely have to and then I'll be pissed at myself. 

So I'm doing it now. From what we know, I'm going to assume we may be out for a while, and most of the night, so I need to prepare everything around that.


Nevermind, Hels showed up, half asleep. He'd mumbled something about how close my place was, and that he didn't want to pass out on someone's roof.

So now he's taken over my bed.

I don't mind, I wasn't going to sleep much tonight anyway, but why my bed???

I'm probably going to end up kicking him out of my bed at some point.


I did not kick him out of my bed, but that was only because I passed out at my desk while doodling. 

I'm pretty sure Hels woke up at some point because I'm now wrapped in a blanket I clearly didn't have when I fell asleep. Or X came over, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't have my address. 

Unless Dad or Pa told him. 

So what. It's around noon now, and I have a ton of shit to do.

And I sadly need to get it done before work tomorrow, because V asked me to help with it, and I really want that extra pay. 

I haven't exactly done much villainy recently, so I haven't been paid for that. [Because I promised Xisuma I'd take a break, and I am NOT hurting my brother by breaking a promise. I'm not that heartless]


So it turns out that Hels is still here? 

He explained how he decided to stay until I woke up. That's kinda sweet of him. Ever since the kiss, we've been a bit closer. 

Speaking of the kiss, we haven't exactly spoken about it, or what it means. So, I should probably try to speak with him about it. 

I'm just going to procrastinate on everything else, and I'm going to go talk to him now.

Actually, he might've left by now-

I can always ask him to meet up if he has. 


He hadn't left, but it took me a moment to bring it up.

"Hey, 'Els?"


"So, uh, we kinda kissed and I want to know what that means for us, an-"

"Xemon, darling, I think it's clear that I'm in love with you, why would I kiss you if not?"

"Oh- oh- oH-" 

And he's hugged me and this feels so nice, and oh my goodness. 

"I assume you like me back, so will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course, you dipshit."


It's still not registering to me that Hels and I are dating.

He ended up leaving shortly after we got together because he had to do some solo commission he had taken when he had gotten our main commission.

I never knew there was a place people placed requests for villains to do. 

It is pretty underground, from what I know, so I guess it makes sense. 


Ah, I can't wait for the angst.

also genshin impact has taken over my life. I swear. 

I've barely written anything these past few days, besides look at memes, exercise a bit bc of my knee, and play genshin---

HEX - Uprising - HermitCraft Superhero/Enemies to Lovers AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin