Chapter 1: Childhood

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Let's take a trip to the past, a couple of years back into the earlier days of medieval times. Where an unknown story is yet to be told, the story of the brave knight: Oliver Moustache! This French knight started as a puny warrior but he then became the strong and muscular warrior he is now. Through this story, we will follow him on his journey of becoming the greatest knight ever to exist.

After the summary was read, a child's voice can be heard ''Wow! Mommy let's read that one!'' The mother with the book in hand smiles, and answers ''Of course honey, let's begin'' the small child then runs to his bed and lays down on it. ''I can't wait!'' the little boy shouts, The mother looks at her child, caresses his hair, and opens the book. The woman proceeds to read the following: [Once upon a time, there was a young man named Oliver Moustache, and he wanted to become a fighter just like his father! But he was too weak to do so, hence he started to train his body to become stronger! After a few months, Oliver was seeing progress! But it was only the beginning of his long journey!] The mother turns to the next page but some of the pages were ripped out. Confused the child says ''Huh? What happened to all the pages?'' the mother also confused says ''I don't know honey'' sorrowfully the little boy says ''Who would have ripped up such an interesting book?'' the woman looks at her son, then the book, and sighs. ''The author of this book wants us to let our imagination run free!'' the mother says with a comforting voice, ''We could finish the story ourselves, sweetheart'' the toddler looks at his mother and answers ''Sure! I will come up with something to follow it up, That sounds like fun!'' the mother blushes, smiles, and replies ''That's great! How about you tell it to me tomorrow evening? Thus you can get some time to think about it and also it's getting pretty late'' the child smiles back to his mother, hugs her, and says ''Okay mommy, that sounds great! I'll have the best story ready for you!'' the woman chuckles and replies ''I can't wait to hear it'' after the embrace, the mother tucks her son into bed, kisses his small forehead, and leaves the book on top of the small bookstand. While leaving the room, she says with a loving voice ''Have a good night, Midas''

The next morning, little Midas wakes up, gets up from his bed, and walks over to his bedroom door. He pushes the door softly and the creaking noise of the wooden gate breaks the silence of the hallway, he takes a look all around the corridor but sees no sign of his parents. The curious toddler leaves his room and walks down the empty hall, when he arrives at the end of the corridor he goes to walk down the stairs but sees both of his parents on the Royal balcony. Relieved he smiles and runs over to them, confused about what they are doing he stops running at the entry of the balcony, all of a sudden Midas hears a crowd of people shouting and cheering. Startled he backs away a bit and looks at both of his parents, Midas's father and mother are greeting the people that are below them. Little Midas tells himself ''What are Mommy and Dad doing?'' to find out he decides to walk a bit forward but gets stopped by his father's loud voice ''Good morning, people of Icherid kingdom, you have been brought here this morning for an important announcement! Starting tomorrow a new colosseum will be built!'' the crowd of people starts to cheer even louder. Scared by how loud it is, the little boy covers his small ears. ''This colosseum will be used for battles, specifically free for all fights!'' The mother concerned whispers ''Are you certain honey? Seems pretty violent'' The father whispers back ''Don't worry my dear, there is a catch, I'll give more information on it later'' Midas listening to all this, is inspired. The crowd of people is still cheering but then it goes silent to let the announcer speak, ''I King Azole thank you all for your time and patience. I know you have all been waiting a long time for this moment, I, King Azole will make a change to this kingdom!'' the horde of habitants then cheer and shout even louder than before! Midas still covering his ears tells himself ''A colosseum? To fight!? But why!?'' King Azole speaks again by shouting ''All of you are dismissed, for now! However meet me back at the throne room, I will reveal much more information on the future of this kingdom! That's it for me, over!'' the people of the kingdom applaud their king and queen. The couple walks back into the castle, ''Hi mommy and dad!'' says the little boy with a big smile on his face, ''Oh! Hello sweetie!'' says the mother while blushing. ''Hello son! Why didn't you come to the balcony with us? The people would have loved to see you!'' the mother looks at her fiance and says ''Aw honey, it's ok, Midas was probably nervous and you know how sensitive his ears are, he wouldn't have liked all the noise'' Azole looks at his son, kneels down to be at his height and tells him ''About that, do your ears still hurt Midas?'' the little boy touches his ears and answers ''No, not as much as before, why?'' Azole grins and replies ''Because this evening we will have a big meeting in the throne room and I was wondering if you wanted to join us'' Midas, motivated says ''Of course!'' Both parents smile and the mother says ''That's wonderful honey! But we have to get you dressed!'' the little boy looks at his oversized shirt that serves as his pajama and says ''But don't I look handsome in this?'' the queen giggles and the father replies ''You are! But what if I told you that you could look even more handsome in your Royal outfit, the official prince's attire!'' Intrigued Midas says ''You got me new clothes!?'' Azole replies ''Yes! I went to pick them up yesterday and let me tell you, it will look great on you!'' excited the little boy jumps up and down. He then says ''Yay! Thank you so much, Dad!'' the king head-pats his son and says ''You're welcome son!".

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