'Non-Alcoholic Drinks and Daddy's Money'

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"You look great, Hunts

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"You look great, Hunts." The Slytherin Prince beamed as he watched his girlfriend walk towards him, having just left the Hufflepuff common room.

"You scrub up pretty well too, Reg." Hunter replied, winking in a friendly manner as they linked arms and walked to Slughorn's office.

Considering the fact that Hunter and Regulus got along like a house on fire when they finally both acknowledged the fact that their relationship wasn't genuine, some would be surprised to know that they got along better despite the somewhat awkward situation this was.

After all, the two were friendly towards each other ever since a particular Christmas dinner in Hunters third year, or 'Yule' as the Black family called it. The Moore girl looked out for both the Black brothers, so she and Regulus saw each other as friends and posed as the perfect couple around others.

They both much preferred this to the awkward silences that they used to sit in, alone and in public. Now, they could actually talk to one another and laugh about how they'd act around others. They'd even started daring the other to act overly affectionate and struggle to contain their laughter.

Part of Regulus' heart ached, as he had developed genuine feelings for Hunter, but he was much more comfortable with how they were now.

"Alright, Reggie, you ready to listen to people ramble about their families and brag shamelessly?" Hunter asked as they reached the office doors.

"Cannot wait, Hunts. Nothing gets me going more than listening to people bang on about how good they have it." Regulus chuckled, opening the door and watching as Hunter walked in. He silently admired the golden snake that was depicted slithering up her back.

"Drinks, Miss Hunter-Rose?" Popi, the house-elf that Hunter was most familiar with, asked as soon as she walked in. She was holding a platter of non-alcoholic drinks. Hunter usually saw Popi in the kitchens, and was somewhat taken aback by seeing her outside of that space.

"Oh! Good evening, Popi! What drinks are they?" Hunter asked, glancing down. She was horrified that so many house-elf were serving, as the Moore family saw the usage of house-elves highly immoral.

"A non-alcoholic Irish cream liqueur, Miss." she replied, holding it up to her.

"Thank you, dear, I'll take one for me and one for Regulus. In honour of my lineage." she joked as she bent down, talking two drinks and handing one to her boyfriend.

"Popi will always appreciate Mr Eoghan Moore, the great Irishman! Always a pleasure, Miss!" Popi said cheerfully as she walked away.

Hunter frowned as she and Regulus walked to a secluded spot, deciding against mingling. They'd do plenty of that at dinner.

"Merlin, I do pity the elves. It's disgusting that us magical people still use them. I mean, we have wands! And a good portion of us can do magic without using our wands! It's archaic." Hunter ranted as she sipped at her drink.

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