Aelita's Clone was actually passed out. And as if it wasn't enough, she was all tied up, inside the girls dressing room. The one running with the others, was actually the real Aelita.

Aelita(thoughts): This Eclipse... Little do they know that brings out... a very deep cloud...

A few laps in the race, Laura had a pulse on her wrist. She looked at her Transwatch, and it had the XANA eye, meanign that there was activity.

Laura: Drats...(closes inon Odd) XANA's on the attack.

Odd: Today? Why doesn't he ever attack on rainny days?

Laura: Catch up with the others, and tell Jim and the Winx what's up! Let's meet in the factory!

Odd: Roger!

Laura took a quick turn, back inside the gym, and entered the tunnel. However, she heard someone moaning.

Laura: Hm?(enters the girls dressong room) Is there anyone here?

Laura looked through the room. Suddenly she spoted a shadow. She looked through it, and Aelita's clone was there.

Laura: Oh no!(unties the Clone) How did you end here?

Clone: The Real Aelita! She's here! XANA tied me up here! We have to move to Lyoko!

Laura: Okay! I'll go to the lab! You try to catch up with the others! We nead some cover for the race!

Clone: Got it!

Laura went to the passage, and the clone went to the others. On the city, there was some darkness apearing. The eclipse was starting. However, with it, some weird mist apeared as well.

Person 1: Hey, there's mist comming!

Person 2: But there wasn't supposed ot be any mist today!

The mist started reaching people. They breathed in, and it proved to b bad. They started to feel bad. At one point, they passed out. The mist kept moving. The Clone reached William and Bloom.

Bloom: Aelita?

William: Weren't you with Jeremy?

Clone: It's not me! Well it is, but it isn't! It's the real one!

Bloom: WHAT?!

William: Oh no! We're in big trouble, right now! 

Clone: I have a bad feeling! XANA's in action, on Lyoko!

Bloom: Okay, let's get moving!

On the lab, Laura entered. She opened the news, and noticed that the Eclipse was starting. She looked at the news.

Laura: Seems like nothing out of normal os going on.(sees something) Wait... What's with those people inside the mist?(looks closer) Are they... GASP!!!! OH NO!!!

William and Bloom got out of the tunnel, and went to the factory. At Kadic, Odd caught up with the Winx, who looked at him.

Odd: XANA's on the move! Cover for us!

Musa: Leave it to us!

Odd left to find Ulrich and Yumi. Jeremy and Aelita were a little behind. However, Jeremy kept up with Aelita, and was doing fine.

Aelita: You see, you're doing okay!

Jeremy: Yeah, thanks a lot!(Transwatch vibrates) Uh-oh!

Aelita: What's wrong?

Jeremy: XANA's on the move!

Aelita: What? But i don't see anything related to XANA! How can you be so sure?

Code Lyoko Season 6Where stories live. Discover now