Chapter 8

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I climb up into my improved Knight and activated it. I look around with my knight's optics and was amazed with how clear I could see everything, my old knight never had this before.

Well no time to admirer the new HUD it time to kill some Heretics. I take one step forward and a booming sound is heard all over the manufactorium, I began moving towards the gates with a confident smile on my face. The Guardsmen on the ground look up at me and made a path for me, I look down and saw some Tanks and Rhinos on the ground.

Dreadbolt: Lord Darkblade I see you're piloting your Titan-classed Knight.

Darkblade: I am and I have to say Faith did a amazing job.

Dreadbolt: That she did, now we have reports that an army of Oaks have ambushed a group of Battle sisters due North and they are in need of assistants.

Darkblade: It shall be done. 

I end the transmission then exited the factory with the tanks and Rhinos close behind. As I walked to my objective I noticed a red button on my Throne Mechanicum, I didn't know what it did but pressed it anyway and a very lord horn erupts from my knight.

Now that was a battle horn. I sound it off again then picked up the pace my knight thirsts for heretic blood.

(Third POV)

In the Northern region away from the manufactorium, a war was raging on. An army of Oaks have overrun the area and the outposts of Guardsmen there were slowly decreasing.

Luckily a few Ultramarines and Battle sisters were sent there to exterminate the xeno filth. Lead by Captain Titus of the Ultramarines they were able to destroy the Anti-aircraft cannons and got reinforcements to join the battle. But it wasn't going so well for the Sisters of battle, they were able to find the Oak Warboss BashMaster. But this proved to be a bad thing as they were swarmed with wave after wave of Oaks, they were able to kill them but more Oaks kept on appearing.

???: This is sister Izumi. We require reinforcements!

 We require reinforcements!

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(That's Izumi)

Guardsman: N-negative! We can't um...

Izumi: You can't what Guardsman?!

Guardsman: We can't break through the Oaks defenses. Yeah! So you're on your own.

As the transmission ends Izumi yells in anger. She knows that the Guardsman was lying to her because Guardsmen have enough fire power to rival a space marine army and that how hesitant the Guardsman was speaking.

Izumi: When we make it out of here, I'm going to kill that Heretic!

Titus: This is Captain Titus of the Ultramarines, we're moving in to your location. Arrival time in 30 minutes.

Battle sister#1: 30 minutes! Do we even have that much time?!

Battle sister#2: Calm yourself sister we've survived this long then we can survive a bit longer.

Battle sister#3: Sister Izumi! The Oaks are charging towards us!

Izumi turn around to see a wave of Oaks armed with Bolters, knives, Axes and flamethrowers running towards them. Izumi let's out a growl then grabbed out her chainsword.

Izumi: If we are to die, we die for the Emperor!

With a fierce battle cry the Battle sisters all charge head on to the wave of Oaks. But before they could even get close to the Oaks, a large beam of blue light hit the Oaks and caused an explosion.

The Battle sisters all cover their eyes to not be blinded by the bright light of the explosion, once the light died down they were surprised to see the aftermath of the explosion

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The Battle sisters all cover their eyes to not be blinded by the bright light of the explosion, once the light died down they were surprised to see the aftermath of the explosion. 

What laid before them was hundreds of Oak bodies all burned to a crisp, Before they could even process what happen, a loud battle horn was heard behind them. At first they thought it was a Warlord Titan but were surprised again when they saw that it was a Warmaster Titan looking knight with Titan-classed weapons. And behind it was a sea of Guardsmen marching into view and an army of tanks, as the Guardsmen and tanks pass by the sisters the knight walked up to them.

Darkblade: I am Darkblade. Pilot of this might God engine before you.

None of the sisters spoke until one of them stepped forward and bowed before Darkblade.

None of the sisters spoke until one of them stepped forward and bowed before Darkblade

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???: I am Sister Hanasaki and we are grateful for your service Darkblade.

Darkblade: There is no need to thank me Sister. I am only doing my duty.

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