Chapter 6

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I was walking around the manufactorium with Faith and Misuki. I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying since I was still shocked about what I found out this morning.


Darkblade: So... who are you?

Sakura: You don't remember me, my lord?

Darkblade: No but you do look familiar.

Sakura: Hmm... oh! Do you remember the little pink haired girl you always played with before becoming a Noble?

Darkblade: Yeah I rem- Wait don't tell, it's you?!

Sakura: Yes it is.

Darkblade: But I was told you left Tartries and never came back.

Sakura: (Sigh) The truth is... I never left Tartries in the first place. My parents wanted me to continue the noble bloodline of the Ironwoods, so they arranged for me to marry a high-class Noble on another Knight world.

Darkblade: Oh... let me guess you disagreed?

Sakura: Of course I disagreed but I was the heir to a noble family so I had no choice. That's until your Uncle offered one of his family members to marry me.

Darkblade: Ok but how come I haven't seen you around the castle?

Sakura: (Blush) Well I kinda disguised myself as your Adviser, Lucas Ironwood.

Darkblade: .... What?

(End of flashback)

Now that I think about it I did see some pink hair when ever Lucas' uh I mean Sakura's hood was slightly moved. Faith taps my shoulder and I look at her.

Darkblade: Yes?

Faith: Did you eat this morning?

Darkblade: Uh no? I guess I was too distracted to eat.

Misuki: Well I'm kinda hungry for some food (Whispering) And for your seed.

Darkblade: What?

Misuki: Nothing! C'mon let's go n' eat.

I raise an eyebrow as I watched her run to the cafeteria, I look at Faith and found her blushing. She looks at me and blushes even harder I think I saw steam coming out of her headsets, before I could even ask what was wrong she dashed towards the cafeteria leaving me very confused.

(Time skip)

I enter the cafeteria and looked around, I saw some Guardsmen, Tech marines and Ultramarines. But what really caught my eye was the fact there are Sisters of battle here. They are usually known as faith driven killing machines and that they almost see every living being as heretics.

Misuki: Master over here!

I look forward to see Misuki waving her hand to get my attention. As I walked up to her table I saw Sakura and Mira but no sign of Faith, I guess she's with her friends.

Darkblade: Hey girls.

Mira: Good morning Darkblade.

Sakura: Morning my lord. Here I grabbed you some food.

She hands me a tray and I gladly take it, I smile at her for getting me food and she blushes a little before eating her food. I grab my spoon then took a bite of the Mashed potatoes, it wasn't half bad as I ate we talked for a bit. Mira said she asked Dreadbolt to build her a new ship but it was going to take about 3 years to finish so we're stuck here until then.

I look up from my food and saw Faith with a tray of food looking for a place to sit.

Darkblade: Hey Faith! There's a seat over here.

As I shouted for her to come over I noticed that some Guardsmen were looking at me. Their eyes for some reason held envy and jealousy but why are they jealous of me? As Faith walked over to our table the Guardsmen began whispering among themselves.

Guardsman#1: First they appear out of nowhere now this guy's got girls all over him.

Guardsman#2: I know right, maybe it's because his a Noble?

Guardsman#3: Man he's so lucky. He might even get a Sister of battle to fall for him.

Guardsman#4: Yeah right, they're hot, sexy killing machines. They'll think of him as a Heretic.

I ignore the whispers and made space for Faith. She thanks me then began eating her food, I talk to the other girls then got Faith to join in as well.

Blade of Vengeance( Freeblade OC x 40K Harem)Where stories live. Discover now