You dreamt about it every nights, and that was now your main worry. You had thought about it over and over again, and you could only see one thing that could possibly be an illusion in your life. One person. And you were scared, because it made sense.

You and Luca had been friends for three months, so you would have obviously noticed if he wasn't real. Right ?

Right ?

You let yourself get distanced by the others, slowing down your pace until Luisa reaches you. She had been walking behind with a small relaxed smile, staring up at the part of the sky that wasn't covered by the clouds.

"Luisa ?"

She flinches a bit hearing your voice, before looking down at you.

"Wow, you scared me there." She ruffles your hair as you keep walking at a safe distance from the others. "What's it ?"

"You remember that game we played when I was, like, seven, when I would ask you if something was real and you would answer by yes or no ?"

She frowns a bit, confused. "Yeah. That was back when you couldn't really control your gift, I think. You kept seeing... Well..."

"Tío Bruno." You murmur. Luisa nods quickly, anxious to hear the forbidden name come out of your mouth.

"Yeah, yeah. I remember. Why, do you have some problems with that again ? Are you... Seeing him again ?"

"No ! No. Not anymore..." You say, almost sadly. You did miss creating illusions of your uncle sometimes, but it wasn't right. He was gone and would probably never come back. "It's not... About him."

Luisa glances at you with a worried frown before shrugging and giving you a little nudge. Your shoulder is almost dislocated, but you try to play it off.

" 'lright. You can ask me the question. I'll tell you what's real or not, hermana."

You take a deep breath, considering giving everything up at this very moment. You weren't ready to hear Luca was just a fragment of your imagination. That's why you couldn't bring yourself to find out by yourself.

First of all, you couldn't trust yourself. You knew you couldn't touch your illusions, but who knew if you couldn't subconsciously convince yourself you were touching something ? Give yourself the illusion of feeling his fingers grazing your palm after you helped him up that boulder, or his arm weighing on your shoulder last week when you had to help him walk after he exhausted himself running after you in the school's corridors ? Second of all, you weren't sure you could stop imagining him if he wasn't real. You were too far in, your family, your classmates also believed in his existence. And you would probably miss him too much.

Which is why you prayed whoever could hear you Luca was real. Because that would be fucking sad it it wasn't the case. But also impressive in the way that you would have imagined a whole human being's life. Kinda powerful, not gonna lie- anyway.

"Real or not real ?" You start, pronouncing the infamous sentence from your childhood that Luisa used to hear over and over again. "Luca Suarez."

Your sister stops in her tracks to look at you carefully, scanning your face and hoping to find any kind of playfulness in your eyes. But she didn't find any.

"You're serious ? Luca's your friend. I've seen him with my own eyes, how could he not be real ?"

You feel a small feeling of relief wrap over you, but it wasn't enough. "You're sure about it ? Have you ever been able to touch him ?"

She thinks for a second, then nods. "Yeah, that day at the pond. I helped him out of the water while you climbed back up the boulder to get your things. Is that because you can't touch your illusions ? That's-"

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