"Problem?" said Tila.

Nina nodded and closed her eyes as she massaged away the aches.

"The problem is your friend over there likes to explore when he's planet side. I'm not used to this much walking."

"Do you mean you can't keep up?" said Tila with a perfectly straight face.

"If that's supposed to be a comment about my age I don't care for it, Tila."

"I don't know what you mean," Tila said, but her eyes sparkled.

"I would punch you in the arm but I know you hit back harder."

Tila's eyes quickly flicked to the other side of the table.

"Only with people I don't like."

"You didn't used to like me."

"But Mal does, and he's not stupid. Plus if it wasn't for you we would never have found that ship and this rescue mission wouldn't be happening."

Nina slipped her shoes back on. "I'm glad it worked out. Mal only told me once how dangerous it was out there."

Tila raised an eyebrow. "Once?"

"He doesn't like to talk about it. You and Ellie seem to thrive on the excitement and danger. Mal runs from it. He wants a nice safe life."

"He's never said anything about that before."

Nina reached for the bread basket to find it empty. "I think he has different conversations with me than he does with you."

"He's one of my best friends, why wouldn't he tell me about that?"

"Oh you're absolutely right, or course, but we are, well, better friends."

"Ah. So what does he want in the future? A little spaceship of your own? Or a house on a planet? Does he want little Malachi's getting under his feet?"

"Little Nina's too."

"I had no idea. Is that what you want?"

"Ye-es, but the Juggernaut is no place to raise a family if you can help it."

"Things are improving in New Haven, thank's to Mal and Theo."

"New Haven is only one of a hundred different communities. They don't all operate like us. They aren't all as safe. You should know that better than anyone, you're always sneaking through the security perimeter."

"I find things we need. Sometimes that means exploring the older parts of the city."

"It's dangerous, and it gets you in trouble."

"I can look after myself."

"But you don't have to. Other people care about you and depend on you. Other people need you."

"Not like they used to."

Nina looked at Jayce. He and Ellie were sharing a seat. She had her arm around his neck for balance while his arm was around her waist. Both of them were intent on Malachi's story, but Ellie's fingertip kept touching Jayce's earlobe. It was a sweet, harmless gesture between two people in love.

"They still do, but not in the same way they once did. She's older then you were when you met now. She's not your child any more."

"She never was."

"Please. You've been like a mother hen around her for years."

"How would you know?"

"Like I said, Mal talks."

Far Horizon (Juggernaut #4)Where stories live. Discover now