chapter 20:

44 1 0

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Gallia lost the another childs play war. Tabitha became the new rightful ruler & weed out corrupted nobles. All arrested or they ended up killing themselves or try to kill them.

Romalia instigated gallia to go to war against tristain & allied nations of strangeral, but failed yet again. Their days are numbered. Allies of strangeral created a blockade by using arsenal birds to project gallian airspace.

Slat married siesta & jessica married pheonix. Henrietta lex apex & agnes went to directus ustio to discuss about romalia's end & annex albion.

Albion is without a leader, death of cromwell & wales as left albion floating country & an army in a wreck. Henrietta for the first time to visit his world. She wish she had time to stay.

Albion has agreed to be annexed to tristain. After making love at the palace. Lex got a text message trigger proposed cattleya. Picture of him took a selfie with his fiancee cattleya bit confused, karin in the background snickering at her reaction second picture of her turning on a humvee.

agnes & james hanging around with them at their quarters. Agnes is off duty wearing her new casual clothes. Jean skirts sneakers, red short sleeve shirt with a necklace around her neck & a expensive watch she bought in ustio. Knock on the door is heard. Henrietta lets in surprising jessica.

Henrietta: jessica!?. I thought you where at usea?

Jessica: were getting ready to. But osmond that pervert old man has something for you & agnes to come to the beach

To be continued:


zero no tsukaima: skies unknown CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now