chapter 19: child's play war 2

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

(Theme starts playing in the background)

Romalia instigated Gallia to go to war against tristain. Henrietta has Tabitha on lockdown due to her as the rightful ruler of Gallia. Titan's built in Sattlelite system has the gallian army marked. LRSSG will not be involved.

Newly formed ISAF led by mobius 1 will lead the attack. Tristaina's new army thanks to the natural advanced resources given by osea ustio. Gallian windstone ships got blown out of the sky by tristania jets.

Mirage 2000 -5

Refale m

& Other fighters. Tristainia soldiers before were very well trained with their new equipment & vehicles. False religion had messed up tristainia's society so much they have very limited resources & magic was their only knowledge.

Not anymore. Weed out corrupted nobles, no longer control by romalia. Back to the fight. Gallian soldiers got crippled blown to pieces windstone ships being blown out of the sky by jets anti aircraft vehicles & tomahawk long range missiles from osean ships.

Henrietta & lex flying together along with strider 6 pheonix. Trigger did not participate in this child's play war. So he stayed with cattleya at the vallerie estate with strider 7 slaughterhouse.

Henrietta flying her one seater refale m shoot the missile at Tabitha's uncle killing him. This made all gallian units in despair, Henrietta contacts them with external speakers.

Henrietta: " this is queen Henrietta of tristain. Your ruler is dead, surrender now or you will be fired upon. You have your new ruler soon she will restore Gallia to its rightful place "

Some surrendered but others kill their allies as traitors. Her army started shooting them try at least save others. Tristain & allies won.


Agnes woke up from a bad dream.

(1:09 - 1:17 only)

She catched breath. James whitley woke up looking at her.

James: nightmare?

Agnes: oui, my village burned down. For some unknown reason, I see a city being struck by a asteroid

James: we both lost our loved ones

Agnes: bon cheri...

They kissed & cuddle with each other.

Mainly Agnes d Milan gets a well deserved good ending

Killing the pope with her sword that is.

Pope is responsible for sending mercs hired by the minister to kill his mother leaving no witnesses at agnes's village reported as a plague to hide the real truth so they can retrieve the dragon stone to in order to control the ancient dragon to kill the elves at the desert.

Just like brimir started. Repeating history. Although in anime & light novel that did not happen I got mad.

Pope has blood on his hands. His life is due very soon.


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