Chapter 25: Battle Frontier? Again in Kanto!

Start from the beginning

"Hey guys!!! I'm back!!!" "Spearowwww"

And immediately you were tackled into the ground by your Pidgeotto "pidgo" She licked your face
"Pidgeotto! It's you!" You hugged her back tightly as she let you get up and started to hug Spearow

"Is that your pidgeotto, Y/N?" Max asked excitedly
"Yep! Oh and look! That Magmar, Electabuzz, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are also mine!" You exclaimed, pointing towards the four pokémons running to greet you as fast as possible

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" A group of Tauros ran past you with Ash yelling on top of one of them and Beyleaf following the group to save Ash
'This thing never changed' you sighed and hugged the four pokémons who came to you

"Voiiii" "Buzzz" "eeee" "Rattata" "Tops" "Hoothoot"
"Eevee, Beedrill, Butterfree, Rattata, Kabutops, Hoothoot!" You hugged all of them and let them go "hmmm, guys, I want to you all to meet all my pokémons from the Hoenn region! But first, we have to meet with Seaking and Lapras now" They all cried out and started to walk to the pond a bit far away where Lapras and Seaking were.

The two water types immediately jumped out of the water and tackled you into the ground again.

"Calm *giggles* down guys!" The two water types got down and went into the water, watching you from there "alright! So everyone! Meet my new friends from the Hoenn region now!" You said and let out Mightyena, Dustox, Swellow, Kirlia and Minun.

"Evoi!" Eevee immediately went towards them as it was the only one who knew all of them
"Guys, meet Mightyena, Dustox, Swellow, Kirlia and Minun!" You introduced the Hoenn squad to the rest.
Everyone immediately became friends and started to play.

"*sigh* I don't know why but I really thought that they will hate each other...glad that they don't"
"Hey, Y/N" You looked at Tracey who came towards you with two pokéballs in hand
"Oh, hey Tracey!"
"It's been a long time"
You started at his face with a blank expression before replying "o-oh yeah, it sure has been....I was in the Hoenn region for a seriously long time"
"Yeah..." He looked down a bit before giving you the pokeballs "these are Magnemite and Murkrow's"
"Ohhhh yeahh, I forgot that I had them!"
"Your Magnemite is able to get out of the pokeball into the normal environment now, prof. Oak and I along with Nurse Joy helped it out a lot, so it's fine now"

"Really? That's great! Thank you so much for the help, Tracey!" You smiled "alright! Murkrow! Magnemite! C'mon out!"

Magnemite came out of the ball and rubbed itself on your cheeks "aww you're so cuteeee"
On the other hand, Murkrow, immediately went over to Spearow and attacked her

"Hey! What was that for now?" You went over to pick Spearow up
As the pokemons' attention were at Spearow, Murkrow attacked Magmar and then Lapras
"Y/N! You need to return h-"
Before Tracey could finish, Magmar angrily used fire blast, followed by Lapras' ice beam which completely froze the pinkish bird pokémon

"Murkrow return! You three are fine, right?!"
"Lap" "Mar" "..Row" The three nodded

"Guys, what happened here?! We heard a scream" May panicked
"It's fine guys" You explained what happened just now and looked at Murkrow's pokeball

"It's not the first time" Tracey said "when you first caught the Murkrow, it was immediately sent to us. Then we released it and my Marill who was nearby was attacked by Murkrow. We had to return it immediately and during their lunch, Murkrow would attack the pokemons nearby. Thus, we had to feed it separately and keep it outside the ball at an empty safe place"

"If that's the case, then I think that I'll take care of Murkrow from now on"
"So Murkrow's gonna be in your team now?" Arlo asked
"Yep! And I'll like to take the pokémons who I barely used too!"
"But Y/N, the Battle Frontier is gonna be hard, you think that you will be able to defeat them with the pokémons you never used? Like it won't be easy"

"Hmmm, I can always transfer them before the fight right?" You looked at Tracey who nodded "then it's settled! I'll be picking Rattata, Murkrow, Hoothoot and Magnemite and uh....Pidgeotto!"
"I'll just take them with me" You smiled "Tracey, can you give me their pokéballs?"
"Sure, Y/N!"


"I'll meet with you guys tomorrow!" You waved and left the place with Arlo
"I'll ask my mom if I can go with you or not"

"Alright" You nodded and went to your home 'I have to sort things out with my I really don't want to be scared to come back into my house all the time' You thought and tried to open the door but it was locked "hello!!" You rang the door bell but no one seemed to be at home

"Y/N!" Arlo called "my mom is calling you!" He shouted from his window
"Coming!" You ran to the his house and got inside

"Ah Y/N! welcome back to Pallet Town...Your mom and dad aren't coming's like, they come back here, once a week and then leaves again in a few days"

Well that was surprising?

"Yeah...and they told me to keep these keys for you, incase you come back home after your adventure"
"Um ok?" You took the keys from her and went to your house.

'This is weird' You shrugged and released all your pokemons except Murkrow "guys, I'm gonna unpack the stuffs I got, so can you all help me out?" All of them nodded and followed you.


"This new journey sounds exciting in every way possible...can't wait for tomorrow morning to arrive!" You thought lying on your bed, watching the once empty desk, full of trophies and badges and ribbons


(I'm writing this in case I forget what pkmns u have) Pokémons in hand:

• Spearow
• Rattata
• Pidgeotto
• Murkrow
• Magnemite
• Hoothoot

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆.・゜゜・

Words: 2254
Published: 10/7/23
Updated: --/--/--

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