Chapter 5

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Lilith POV:

I jolt awake at a knock on the door. I check the clock and frown. It's only 9. Callie shouldn't be here yet. I crawl out of my bed and slowly open the door. Bobby, Buck, and Chimney are standing at the entrance with smiles. "Hi," I say, confused. "Why are you here? And how do you know where I live?" 

Bobby looks down sheepishly and I frown. "You didn't happen to get it from Athena didn't you?" Buck nods and smiles. "Wonderful. Pretty sure that's illegal but whatever," I smile. "I do need the help," I shrug and swing the door open. "Come in in,"

"Where's your stuff?" Buck asks as he looks around the empty room.

"In a truck downstairs. I've bought it all I just can't carry it up here so..." I trail off as Eddie follows Buck in. He looks at me hopefully and I smile at him. He smiles back and wanders in.

"Let's go start moving things then shall we?" Bobby says with a wide smile. All the boys start wandering out and heading downstairs. I trail after them with the keys so they can get into the actual truck.

"Where's Chris, Eddie?" Chim asks. I blink in confusion.

"Who's Chris?" I ask. Eddie grins and pulls out his phone.

"My son. He's 12. He's the best thing in my life," Eddie proudly shows me his phone and I smile at the adorable little boy.

"Is that a skateboard? Did you build him a skateboard?" I ask with a small laugh. Eddie rubs the back of his neck.

"Buck helped," Eddie says nervously.

"He's adorable," I smile and start to walk away again.

"Um actually can I talk to you for a second?" Eddie asks lightly grabbing my arm. I nod and let him carefully drag me away.

"Are you going to yell at me again? I'd just like to be prepared if you are," I say with a small frown. Eddie frowns deeply and sighs rubbing his neck again.

"I actually wanted to apologize for that. I was kind of an ass to you and you didn't deserve it. I'm really sorry,"  Eddie says quietly. I smile at him and nod.

"Eddie it's fine. I know you were dealing with a lot not being able to do your job. I get it. No worries," I smile at him again and Eddie smiles widely.

"Hey how do we get this open?" Chim shouts. I turn around and dangle the keys in the air.

"You wait patiently Chim!" I shout back. I toss Buck the keys and follow them over to the truck. They finally throw the door open and stare at all the stuff.

"How do you have so much stuff?" Buck mutters.

"My sister is the definition of extra. I barely managed to stop her from buying me a tv," I say with a shrug. All of them turn to me in surprise.

"Your sister wanted to buy you a tv?"

"Trchnically she wanted to buy me a whole ass house but we comprised on my stuff," They all blink in surprise again and I nod. "As I said, extra,"

Buck and Bobby start carrying my new couch upstairs. I flinch as it hits the wall. "Uh..." I start but immediately cut myself off and turn away.

Eddie picks up a chair and I silently watch as he walks through the doors. His back muscles ripple under his shirt and I tear my gaze away quickly. I turn towards the building and smile at Hen as she walks towards me with a woman I am assuming is her wife. Waking between them is a young boy who adorns over to me. 

"Hi I'm Denny! I'm here to help you move!" I laugh and point at where Buck and Chim are in a rapid discussion over the best way to move a desk.

"They're the ones in charge of the moving. I'm mostly just here to make sure no one breaks anything," Denny quickly runs over and Buck grins at him before quickly turning back to Chim. I smile and turn back to Hen.

"So what are you guys doing here?" I ask with a smile. Hen grins and looks at Denny over my shoulder.

"I told Karen that you needed help over breakfast and Denny wanted to help so we asked Thena for you address. Clearly we weren't the only ones," Hen gives me a knowing grin before abruptly turning to the woman beside her. "I never introduced you! Lilith this is my wife Karen. She's a rocket scientist!" Hen grins at me and I shake Karen's hand.

"Nice to meet you," I say before getting cut off by a loud thud. I turn and frown at Buck. A large desk is sideways on the ground. "Careful please," I call. Buck smiles sheepishly while Chim laughs. I shake my head and smile apologetically at Hen and Karen. "I'll be right back," Hen is laughing and I smile. 

As I'm helping the boys Athena and her kids show up. "Thought you could use some assistance," clearly I'm not the only one,"

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