Chapter 3

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Lilith's POV:

I slowly walk into the firehouse and Hen smiles at me until she sees my face. "You ok?"

I give her a half smile and shrug. "Just trying to figure out how I'm going to move all my new stuff into a third floor apartment," Hen raises an eyebrow and I shrug again. I quickly change and jog up the stairs. Buck nods at me and we all sit down for dinner. 

Hen smiles at me and leans forward "So Lilith where are you from?" I flinch slightly as everyone turns to look at me.

"I'm originally from Chicago but I've lived in Texas the last couple years," I say with a shrug. I glance at Bobby who smiles. Buck's smile widens and he pulls out his phone.

"What part?" Buck asks typing furiously. I raise an eyebrow and Chim glances over Buck's shoulder. Chim grins widely.

"Why are you texting Eddie?" Buck flinches and my eyebrows skyrocket. 

"That's the guy from yesterday right?" I ask. Bobby nods and also looks over Buck's shoulder.  I lean over but Buck yanks the phone away. Buck stares at me pointedly.  "What?"

"What part of Texas?" Buck asks again. 

"Austin. Satisfied?" Buck nods and eagerly types away again. 

Eddie's POV:

I frown at my phone as I get another text from Buck.

Buck:  she lived in Texas!

Eddie: buck if you don't stop I will kick your ass. I do not want to hear about my replacement.

Buck: she isn't your replacement.

I drop my phone on the table and turn back to my computer screen irritated. "Eddie?" I glare up at Josh who frowns in response. "There's a car crash on I-45 could you..." I nod before he can finish his sentence and quickly send out a tweet.  "You ok?" Josh asks. I look up and find him staring at me in the doorway. 

"Fine," I mutter. I lean my seat back and grab the iPad.  "Just need a coffee," my phone dings again and I glance at it to find a text from Hen. 

Hen- I was told to tell you that she lived in Austin.

Eddie- really Hen???

Hen- I'm just doing what I'm told

Eddie- stop

There is a brief pause my phone dings again. 

Bobby- we're going out for drinks tonight. Your coming.

Eddie- not tonight Cap. Sorry.

Bobby-i wasn't asking Diaz

I frown and quickly text Carla to make sure it's ok with her. She quickly tells me to have fun.

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