He's Gone

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Students became self aware of the dangers due to the incidents and some started making rumors of a particular wolf who is always involved.

Many believe the rumors so they either ignore him or threatened him. Teachers would offen took glances at legosi when he's near.

During lunch legosi would always leave a little early and get lunch before the others comes out.

His friends still treat him the same but They'll sometimes act very protective around him.

Last week one of the students threatened to legosi and callot along with Durham stared at the student and almost immediately attack them.

legosi have to drag them to from preventing the fight.

He would also notice how weird jack would act around him. He would end the conversation early and take glimpse of the wolf.

Not only his friends were being protective but almot the whole drama club too. Some did keep their guards up around legosi but the rest doesn't.

It feel nice to be defend by your friends but now it was bothering him. Juno and Bill would hangout with him during breaks to check up on him.

Though Juno would always try to get closer to him it but it will always ended with him scouting away from him or making excuses for him to leave.

Bill always tell her about him not feeling the same way but she'll denied and left him alone.

Legosi would visit the gardening club from time to time. He'll help haru out with the plants and talk normally. It helps him to forget his troubles and feel peaceful and relaxed

He always wanted to have his own garden to relax to and plants fruits of his own. Haru enjoy legosi presence and would sometimes joke about her bullies.

Louis has been with legosi and for a while and many students tried to warn him but didn't care. Legosi is always greatful for Louis even though it might ruined his reputation, he would always be have time to hang out with him.

It was the last period for today and yun-jin wanted to talk him after class. Something doesn't feel right.

Legosi Pov

Once everyone left the room. I headed to yun-jin who wanted to talk to me. "Legosi, I've looked at your grades. It seems to me that your struggling in this class. If you want i could tutor you if you like."

I thought for a moment, i could have a break from the club today and get a better at sea language for the next test. "Yeah, when does it start?"

"We can start now." "Great, let me just text Els that I'll won't be at the club for taday." He nodded and continued grading papers.

After texting Els, I headed twords the back getting a book and papers. "Have I told you that your looking gorgeous today?"

I turned around and see him standing infron of me holding the keys in his hand with a smirk on his face. I started to feel uncomfortable so I walked past him but was grab and push to the wall.

"Where do you think your going? You agree to have tutoring with me~"

Bill Pov

Coming out from the restroom I started to head to the drama club. While walking I heard something fall inside of the room next to me.

'Huh?' I tried to Open the door but it was locked. "Maybe I'm just hearing things."

I let go of the door knob and as I was about to walk away. I heard a muffled yell coming from the Locked room.

you're mine and mine only Discontinued (yandere Louis x legosi)Where stories live. Discover now