“Alright” Killua replied and grab a pouch in his pocket and threw it to Leorio.

Leorio got curious what’s inside so he opened it and found diamonds. Leorio looked down and he knew that his assumption is true.

He threw the pouch back at Killua and look at Tsuki. “I don’t accept payment, I bet your sister knows that.”

Killua looked at the man beside him. “Then what do you want?”

“I want to know the truth, you’re the intruders from the mysterious beyond, right?” Leorio asks as he looked down.

“Yes, we are, what are you gonna do about it?”  Killua looked at the man dangerously but was shocked to hear the man’s words.

“I want to join you and maybe can take care of all of you. I want to be your doctor” Leorio smirked at the confuse boy in front of him. “I bet your sister is a little reckless, I notice that she has many minor scars on her back.” Killua stayed silent as he remembers the cause of those scars.

“I think Onee-san would like you to join, and to help me keep an eye on her” Killua joked resulting for the two of them to laugh.

“Her name is Tsuki, our reckless Senshou.”

The two boys enjoyed chatting and laughing at their own silly jokes, getting to know each other as Killua introduce Leorio to the other crewmates. Leorio also got the chance to tell Killua how he and Tsuki met at the garden of thymes.

It has been 2 days since Tsuki was shot by an arrow by one of the guards, but Leorio said that it was normal because her body needed rest.

In the sunny afternoon, Killua stayed at the room to watched over her sister as he played with his yoyo, while Leorio arrange the medical tools at the shelves. That’s when Killua notice that Tsuki’s hand twitched and immediately stood up to check on Tsuki.

“Nee-san?” Killua called out and got Leorio’s attention and looked at the boy. Killua called once again as Tsuki opened her eyes. She looked at Killua and notice another figure behind him, that’s when she realizes that it was Leorio.

Tsuki was surprised to see Leorio as she sat down from her laying position. As soon as Killua saw his sister’s reaction, he swiftly walked to Tsuki’s side and calm her by rubbing his hand on her back.

“Leorio? What are you doing here?” Tsuki asks still surprised by Leorio’s presence.

“Actually, I joined your crew, I’m your doctor now” Leorio proudly stated as he pointed his thumb to his chest.  

“My what now?” Tsuki ask devastated, still taking in Leorio’s words.

“I’m your personal doctor now, I’m a crew member of the Blood Moon Pirates.” Leorio shouted in happiness.

“Killua, what is this about?” Tsuki stammered as her mind is still hazy.

“He was persistent of joining the crew and I don’t know what to do. And the fact that you are unconscious for two days.”  Killua defended himself.

“Can you please explain all of this to me?” Tsuki pleaded as she’s having trouble taking all of what she has heard.

Nonetheless, the two explained the situation to their captain as the others joined in and was glad that Tsuki is already awake.

“I can’t believe they already tracked us.” Tsuki muttered as she stared at the window.

“We could still find some people on the Freecs Kingdom” Killua suggested while playing his yoyo.

“But the news has already reached the 3rd Kingdom” Leorio stated.

“It’ll be much dangerous for you Senshou” Ponzu exclaimed as she refuses the idea of heading to the 3rd Kingdom. “Especially in your condition Senshou” Pokkle added.

“Senshou’s decision is what we’ll follow, always” Pouf reminded the crew causing them to look down worriedly.

“Pitou, in which side in the 3rd Kingdom has lesser guards?” Tsuki questioned as Pouf gave her the map of the 3rd Kingdom.

The new recruits were shocked to know that they have maps of each of the Kingdoms of the Yorknew ocean.

“According to information that I got, they have guards at every corner. It might be impossible for us to settle there.” Pitou concluded as she stared at the map.

“Oh, but Pirates are allowed at the Freecs Kingdom not unless they’ve done something wrong.” Ponzu informed as she fidgets her fingers.

“But, King Nostrade is after us, once the news reaches him that we are spotted at the 3rd Kingdom, we’re dead.” Leorio exclaimed as he went over to his Senshou to examine the map. 

“We can have disguises” Pitou suggested but Tsuki shooked her head in disagreement. “We already have disguises, it’s not enough” Killua disagreed.

“With disguises we’re unnoticeable, but what about the ship?” Pokkle asks thinking about something to help them get to the 3rd Kingdom without being notice.

“We need to somehow hide the ship, but where?” Tsuki muttered as she looks towards the horizon, outside the window.

“Uh…Senshou, maybe I can help.” Leorio stated as a smirk was forming on his lips.

“Go on” Tsuki didn’t even looked at Leorio and continue her gaze to the horizon.

“I know someone from the 3rd Kingdom that can help us and trust me, he can’t reject my favor if we’ll give him something in return.” Leorio explained but Tsuki stayed quiet and Leorio became worried as seconds pass.

“How can we find this person” Tsuki stated as Leorio smirked in glee.

“At the west sea side of the Freecs Kingdom” Leorio said as he planned something for his frenemy.

“Very well…. we’ll head there at midnight”

Our Love's Never-Ending Journey ~A Hunter x Hunter Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now